

Mother’s Day Treasures


Acknowledging each of their handmade gifts with a big hug for each child, I am aware that the deeper treasures my children offer me are priceless!


Mmmmm, I snuggle under the covers a little longer. Pleasant sounds of my husband busy in the kitchen with three little chefs lending a helping hand — the one day a year that I get to sleep in that extra half hour! I pop my head under the covers for a few more minutes of relaxation. I can hear the kettle boiling and smell delicious aromas wafting into the bedroom.


The door opens wide as three grinning faces come into the room with a scrumptious tray full of Mother’s Day delights. My children present me with an array of hand made cards and gifts, — such sweet little treasures from innocent hearts. But the real treasures my children give me are the daily opportunities to improve my heart…



Like most typical families, we are quite busy with a myriad of things each day. Often it is a struggle to keep up with all of life’s challenges, large and small. I often find that the way things happen in our family is a reflection of my state of mind. When it happens that if I’m sometimes inconsiderate or abrupt with my children, it seems to affect them immediately. This results in them often becoming immediately tense with each other and, before you know it, everyone is at odds.


My children are like wonderful little mirrors. Through our daily interactions with one another I have learned to look within myself when there are conflicts in our family life. One evening, after a long day, I was feeling stressed. I just wanted to hurry the children off to bed so that I could get on with my own projects for the evening. Then ever so calmly, my eight-year-old daughter tenderly offered me her innocent wisdom. “Mum, I know you’ve had a really busy day and are probably feeling tired, but it feels like you aren’t speaking very kindly to us; I hope you don’t mind that I’m sharing with you how I feel.” Her innocent words really touched my heart and I immediately felt regret. What touched most was her ability to compassionately point something out to me with her gentle words. Such a heart of compassion starts with ourselves, and the effect on those around us can be quite transforming.


I lean over to kiss each child “thank you” for their precious Mother’s Day gifts, knowing that the real gifts are the ones they bring me each day. Every day is in fact a blessing and a wonderful learning opportunity — an opportunity to improve and do better; an opportunity to improve my heart, my words and to develop a deeper compassion for others.


Every day is truly ‘Mother’s Day!’@
