

The Biggest Deportation Case in Hong Kong – Experience / Witness by SoH Radio Reporter





My name is Ko I-chun, a reporter for Taiwan Sound of Hope Radio. On June 29, together with a colleague of mine Ms. Liao, I took the flight from Taiwan to Hong Kong in order to cover the 10th anniversary hand-over events in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong airport, I witnessed many Falun Gong practitioners from Taiwan were denied entry. On July 1st, when I was taking pictures for my report, I was kidnapped. After more than 10 hours of illegal detention without food and drink, followed by violence body-search and robbery (my hands were bit so that they could take away my cell phone), I was deported by force. What I saw and heard in Hong Kong airport confirmed what some media reports, that this massive deportation was done by Chinese national security force (headed by Zeng Qinghong). (note: Sound of Hope is an international, independent and not-for-profit radio in Chinese language. Headquarter is in San Fransico, USA)




Black list does exist

My name Ko I-Chun, a reporter from Sound of Hope Radio in Taiwan. I boarded the airline to Hong Kong on the evening of June 29 9:15pm from Taiwan, to cover the 10th anniversary of hand-over of Hong Kong. A colleague of mine, Ms. Liao Shuhui took the same flight. Before boarding, she interviewed airline company (Guo Tai?) which got name list twice in a day from HK authority, and was asked to refused boarding of those on the list (Falun Gong practitioners from Taiwan to go join the big march on July 1 in Hong Kong). Taiwan national security department concluded after this whole incident that HK authority got the name list beforehand and felt that was due to the intelligence collection within TW.


After arriving in HK airport, Ms. Liao went to the HK customs to apply entry. She called me and told me she saw many Taiwanese were taken away after they showed their passport and their names identified on a list. When I called her again, she said she was taken away already after she showed her passport. Many of us who arrived from Taiwan decided not to go through customs after learning this fact and we stayed overnight at the airport.

发现拘留地点 目睹潜返过程 共产党员指挥


Witnessing Illegal Detention and deportation – “I am the Communist Party!”

Early morning of June 30, Ms. Liao told me there were Taiwanese in her room got deported (wrapped up in anti-riot blanket and bounded). Then I was told there was a glass door from which people were taken out forcefully. I went over and someone tried to block my way to approach this door. But soon I saw the pink hair decoration of Ms. Liao from inside the door. I called out :”Liao Shuhui from Sound of Hope Radio! I saw you. I want to see Ms. Liao Shuhui, reporter of Sound of Hope.”


In the next few hours, they used green curtain to block the view of this door, I witnessed several batches of people being carried out by force and deported. I saw some police’s eye turned red (as they are sympathetic), but one person with dark face who seemed to be in charge was smiling. I asked him why he would like to be an accomplice for the Communist Party. He answered, “I am the Communist Party!” (I took picture of him)

关押地点为‘国安’禁地 夜晚平静无动作

6月30日傍晚,廖小姐通讯中断,我想确定她是否已被送走,去问了一个在旁边的机场保安人员,我指那个玻璃门说:“我想知道我们的记者是不是还被关在玻璃门里面,你可以帮我看一下吗? ”对方说:“那是‘国安’的地方,我们机场的人不能进去。”

Detention Center found to be “National Security” domain – a quite night

On the evening of June 30, I could no longer reach Ms. Liao on the phone. I would like to confirm if she was deported and asked one staff of the airport if he could help me to check out inside the glass door. He said “That was the domain of ‘national security’, our airport staff cannot enter.”


That night and early morning of July 1, small groups of the Taiwanese spread inside the waiting area, resting or sleeping. 3am on July 1, I took some rest too. Everything was quiet that night.

人潮前公开绑架 非法拘留


Open Kidnapping in front of crowd – I am detained

8am of July 1, I saw many Falun Gong practitioners began to do the exercises inside the airport (which is common scene, as I went to Hong Kong several times before). When I was taking pictures of them, all of a sudden, there came some police who blocked them and formed a human wall. And more than ten circled me up, and lifted me up in the air. I cried out “I am a reporter, don’t interrupt my interview, let me down!” They carried me all the way into the glass door and detained me there. No one responded to my request – “I am a reporter. Let me out. I want to see your supervisor. I need my lawyer.”


欺骗加暴力 轮番使用特务系统手法 全力潜返


Lies and Violence: signature of special agents – finally deported by violence

Then others who were detained in the same room were asked to move to the next door and I was the only person left in the detaining room. I did on-site telephone report for our radio. Around noon, another seven people were carried in. So all together, there were about over 40 Taiwanese who did not go to customs or even show our passport but got detained.


Some airport staff wanted to see my passport, I did not want to give it to them. I told them “Wherever you kidnapped me, send me back there. I can take care of myself from there.”


In the next one or two hours, the guards began to change and their clothes also changed. At first, it was white uniform of airport security, then different white uniform for officers, then changed to blue uniform perhaps for police, finally it became the dark navy riot police, with gun and electronic baton. I recognized one female police who wore different uniform earlier, and realized they were asked to change clothes in a day and perhaps to play different role or perhaps to give us more psychological pressure.


Falun Gong practitioners in the next door told me they had reached an agreement with the police that airline personelle came in to process the returning flight and they did not need to turn in the passport to the Hong Kong airport side. However soon I heard very loud voice from the next door that “you have been cheating us!” and then batches after batches of people were escorted out to be deported.


About 3:15pm, six who claimed to be security came in and said they need to do body search. One of them began to grab at the bag of a lady, she did not want to give, then they began quite some struggling. Others Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioners shouted at the police and asked him to stop doing this, he finally let it go. I asked him who ordered him to do so, he said “the higher-up”.


Then another lady in plain clothes and with make-up on face came in, she claimed to be “people’s team” and said she could provide help. We told her we wanted to be set free. Her face changed and she said that she could not help. I asked her why yesterday Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioners could do the exercise in public in airport, they could not do so today and why reporter could do interviews and taking photo yesterday and not today? She said ‘today was July 1, and it was different.’


4pm, I saw there was another batch of Falun Gong practitioners who were sent off.

最后通牒 加速执行遣返任务



Speeding Up Deportation after final negotiation

Between 5pm and 6:10pm, there came in lots of seemingly high ranking officials (including two foreign looking men) they circled eight of us. I told them that they need to protect those Falun Gong practitioners and protect the freedom of media like Sound of Hope. The person next to me said “I understand what you said. But I need to do my task. ”

暴力翻衣搜身 咬人抢劫捆绑样样来


6:33pm, without any warning, about 20 riot police came in. As I cried out all the time “Go out! Go out!” these police carried me out of the glass door. Someone bit my hands and tried to take away my cell phone. I did a short 35 seconds report through my cell and the report stopped as they tried hard to take away my cell phone.


I was carried into a big office with many people inside. My hand was bit by police for a long time and my cell phone was take away. Others took away my purse and backpack by force and the bags were searched. Then I was carried into a smaller room inside, about 10 people pressed me down on the ground and I could not move a bit. Then my clothes were reeled up to neck and they searched my body very carefully, even touched me inside my underwear. I saw my bags were searched thoroughly too. They took away something from my bag to do further examination. Then I was tied up twice, first with anti-riot blanket and tied up with cloths.

后来,我喊:“我是记者,我要继续我的采访,我要求要有手机对外通讯!”就挣扎着把一只手伸出来,他们发现我的手在挣扎,就赶快围过来再把我捆一层捆得更紧。捆绑期间,有一个矮小的女生,脸黑黑的,头发剪到只剩短短几公分,蹲到我面前,突然身手掐住我的脖子呼吸处,动作既快又准。我差一点不能呼吸在咳嗽,我看着她问:“你要让我不能呼吸吗? ”她看着我,微微的笑了一下,才把手拿开。

When I was struggling and reached out one hand, as I was asking for my cell phone as I needed to do more reporting, there was a very short lady with dark face and very short hair, squat down in front of me. All of a sudden, she pressed on my neck to chock me and made it very difficult to breath. I looked at her and asked “Do you want me not to breath?” she looked at me and smiled, then moved away her hand.


Then they carried me through the airport. It was a long distance, many travelers in the airport saw this.


Upon examining my belongings, my visa to HK and registration form were taken away, I remembered my MP3 was out of battery, but now the battery was full. And then I found HKYuan 1000 in a hidden pocket in front of my chest was gone.


The medical examination showed 7 injures, including my neck which was pressed hard – I kept coughing for a day and whole body was sour and hurting for several days. Several bruises appeared later on. Let alone the mental pressure and trauma.



Looking Back

After I was kidnapped on July 1 in the Hong Kong airport, followed by over ten hours of illegal detention without food or drink, then body-search by violence and even biting of my hands to force me release my cell phone, and finally being thrown onto the plain, I was confused by one question: why they did not do it at night when no other passengers would see, rather they chose to do it all in the broad daylight in the airport full of travelers.


The person in charge of the detention and deportation in Hong Kong airport told me “I am the Communist Party.” The staff of the airport told me “Inside the glass door is the domain of ‘national security’ (equivalent to CIA in US, headed by Zeng Qinghong). ”

是否真的显示如某些消息来源说的:这次大规模的遣返案不是胡锦涛的意思,是中共国安系统、特务头子曾庆红指使的。他主管香港事务,但在10年大庆时却不跟胡一起去香港,是何原因呢? 假如真是如媒体报导,那就是中共内斗延伸至香港,并不惜以众多无辜民众的基本人权,和独立境外媒体的自由为代价。

Is it really as some media reports pointed out, that this massive deportation was not directed by Hu Jintao, but Zeng Qinghong, who is the head of the National Security system (special agents) in China? Zeng is the one who is in charge of Hong Kong affairs, yet he was not accompanying Hu to Hong Kong on this 10th anniversary ceremony, this of itself was kind of interesting. If that is the case, then it means the power struggling is extending to Hong Kong and at the cost of the basic human rights of innocent people (Falun Gong practitioners from Taiwan) as well as the press freedom of independent media from Taiwan.



