

香鸡排 Deep Fried Chicken Breast

【材料 ingredient】

鸡胸肉(chicken breast)1块约 600g


粗粒地瓜粉(granulate sweet potato starch)300g

【鸡排腌料 marinate seasoning】

五香粉(five spices powder)1/4茶匙‧胡椒粉(white pepper powder)1茶匙

酱油(soy oil)50cc



味素(gourmet powder)1茶匙

蒜泥(mashed garlic)1大匙

【调味料 seasoning】

胡椒盐(salt and pepper)适量


【作法 method】

Ⅰ 将鸡胸肉先剖开切成薄片状(1、2、3、4),再用锤肉棒略加拍打(5、6、7),使肉质更有弹性。

Ⅱ 将所有腌料加上鸡排置钢盆中(8、9、10),调合均匀(11),腌渍 2~3 小时入味(12、13),再加蛋清(14)、蛋黄腌渍入味(15)。

Ⅲ 每片鸡胸肉两面都沾上粗粒地瓜粉,并用手压实粉料,黏合肉排,放置 10 分钟,即为生鸡排。

Ⅳ 要食用前,把作法 3 生鸡排投入烧热的油锅中,保持中火,炸酥至呈金黄色,捞起、沥油。

Ⅴ 食用时,撒下自行调混的胡椒盐,即成香脆可口、鲜嫩多汁的香鸡排,也可依个人口味再撒上红色辣粉。

1 Cut chicken breast horizontally into thin flat and punch breast by a kitchen hammer until meat elastic.

2 Combine marinate seasoning and beaten egg in a metal bowl. Marinate chicken breast for 2-3 hours until flavored.

3 Dust on the granulate sweet potato starch on both sides of meat and press by hand to ensure attached. Set aside at least 10 minutes before frying.

4 Deep fried breast in medium heat oil until golden brown; transfer to plate and strain excess oil and ready to serve.

5 Sprinkle on the salt and pepper to taste, or red chili powder by personal wish.

售  价: 40~50 元

成  本: 15~20 元

净  利: 60~63%

使用碗皿: 吸油大纸袋

备  注: 本道材料份量:4 份 @
