

Yahoo sells out a Chinese journalist


新聞出處: http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/big5/aReadArticle.jsp?id=33811

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Internet giant Yahoo is still under fire for providing Chinese authorities information used to sentence a journalist to ten years of prison.


第一句的主要子句很簡單,Internet giant Yahoo is still under fire,這是五大句型中的第二種句型:S+V+SC,說明狀態。複雜的反而是附屬的部份。特別是對used to sentence a journalist的理解。

互聯網巨人雅虎現在的狀態是什麼呢?是受到各方的炮火抨擊。什麼原因呢?for providing Chinese authorities information,因為提供中國當局資訊,這是個介係詞片語說明原因。

後面的used to也許有的讀者會看成「習慣於」。其實它是跟在 information之後的一個分詞片語。讓我們將之還原為形容詞子句來看:information which is used to sentence a journalist to ten years of prison. 這樣看是否就清晰了許多呢?

所以used to 這個分詞片語是省略了which is 而來的,附屬於for這個介係詞片語。而介係詞片語for又附屬於主要子句。讀者可以看出這個層次結構嗎?


On top of that, it is now facing allegations that its justification for having done so may be legally unsound.


這一句難懂的可能是that後面的部份。On top of that是擺在主要子句前面的介係詞片語,說「在各種抨擊中最重要的是」,that是代名詞,代表前面的炮火。It is now facing allegations 就是主要子句,it是指示代名詞代表雅虎公司,說「它現在正面臨指控(allegation)」。

什麼指控呢?後面that子句進一步說明,是一個名詞子句,作為allegation的同位語。its justification for having done so may be legally unsound. 這句也許有些讀者一下領會不過來,如果先看its justification may be legally unsound可能就很容易懂了,說「它的辯稱可能在法律上站不住腳的」,sound當名詞是聲音,當形容詞則是「健全的」意思,unsound就是不健全的,在這兒我們譯成「講不通、站不住腳」比較通順。

再看its justification for having done so,就是對如此做的辯解。for having done so是介係詞片語作justification的後位修飾。Just是正義的,名詞是justice,justify是動詞,使正義,就是辯解使其符合正義。


Yahoo co-founder Jerry Yang told an Internet conference, “We have to follow the law.”


The company’s Hong Kong branch had provided Mainland Chinese police details of an email, sent by journalist Shi Tao, that became evidence used to convict him of “leaking state secrets overseas.”



附屬的部份就是對受詞的後位修飾,說這封電子郵件,是sent by journalist Shi Tao,是由記者師濤所寄出的,that became evidence是一個形容詞子句,that 是關係代名詞,仍然代表那封電子郵件,用「逗號」分隔是「補述」用法,所以that 可以不必是指之前的Shi Tao。

“used to convict him of leaking state secrets overseas”

則是分詞片語作為evidence的後位修飾,這個證據被使用來將他以洩露國家機密到海外定罪。Convict是證明有罪、定罪的意思,定什麼罪呢?用介係詞片語of leaking state secrets overseas說明出來。



Guo Guoting, who was Shi’s defence lawyer for the 2005 case challenges Yang’s reason for leaking the email. Guo is one of only a handful of human rights lawyers in China. “Yahoo [Hong Kong] has no obligation to obey China’s law.”


這一句唯一的主要動詞是那一個呢?答案是challenge。Challenge一般是「挑戰」的意思,這裡是「質疑」之意,calling into question。主要子句是Guo Guoting challenges Yang’s reason. 郭國汀質疑楊致遠的理由。其他的部份都是名詞的後位修飾,進一步去說明那個名詞。比如who was Shi’s defence lawyer是個形容詞子句,向觀眾說明郭國汀是誰呢? 他是師濤的辯護律師。 


On April 20, 2004, convicted Shi Tao used Yahoo’s email service to send business conference minutes to an overseas democracy web site. He was chief editor of Contemporary Business Newspaper.


在2004年4月20日,被定罪的師濤使用雅虎的電子郵件服務,以將商業會議 內容傳送至海外的民主網站。他是當代商報的主編。

The email detailed media restrictions imposed prior to the 15-year anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre on June 4, 1989. Yahoo then provided Hong Kong with the IP address and personal email that the Chinese police used to trace the email back to Shi’s computer.


這句的主要子句是S+V+O(The email detailed media restriction.) 的結構,後面跟著分詞片語(imposed prior to the 15-year aniversary)作為受詞的後位修飾。大家應該很熟悉了,分詞片語就是形容詞子句省略掉關係代名詞與be動詞而來的:media restrictions which were imposed prior to the 15-year anniversary. Restriction限制之意,prior to就是before 之意,也可用ahead of這個片語。


Yahoo then provided Hong Kong with the IP address and personal email that the Chinese police used to trace the email back to Shi’s computer.


本句中的that 子句是屬於那一種句型呢?答案是名詞子句。因為that後面有完整的主詞+動詞。如果是形容詞子句的話,that之後會直接接動詞。當然這個名詞子句也是作為address與email的後位修飾用。


Guo had prepared to defend Shi in the case but one week before the court date, Chinese authorities took away his license and put him under house arrest. Guo had been practising law for 20 years.




“Shi sending the email is a part of practicing free speech, and it’s what a journalist is paid to do. It’s not criminal conduct. There’s no question that Yahoo was not obligated to collaborate with Chinese authorities.”


〝Shi sending the email〞師濤發送電子郵件這件事情,作句子的主詞,所以sending的詞性是動名詞。這裡的that所引導的也是名詞子句,進一步說明什麼事情是沒有問題的(no question)。Collaborate有合作、勾結之意,這裡的語意偏向後者。


He says international law has a precedence on this case. “Furthermore, Yahoo Hong Kong’s legal registration is not in [mainland] China; it has no obligation at all to follow mainland China’s law.”




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大家好:David老師從七月下旬即來到美國,本學期也將留在紐約,所以自本41期以後的教學文章,是在紐約寫的,1到40期則是在台灣寫的。對於本「看新聞學英語」專欄的講解,有問題的讀者,David 老師歡迎您來函詢問:davidlee@ms1.epochtimes.com.tw





