

Swedish Wind Energy Development




1. in charge of: ph. 對…有責任

2. turbine: n. 渦輪機

3. head :v. 率領

4. property :n. 房地產

5. staircase: n. 樓梯間

6. laundry: n. 洗衣店

7. lift: n. 電梯

8. ventilation system :ph. 通風系統

Mattias Pettersson is the man in charge of bringing the first rooftop wind turbine to a Swedish apartment block.


Pettersson is heading the project for one of Sweden’s largest property owners.


[Mattias Pettersson, Wind Turbine Project Coordinator]:

“The power turbine we see here will power lights in the car park and staircases, it will supply the electricity needed for the laundry room, the lifts and the ventilation systems.”



The model was originally developed by China’s army to bring electricity to its remote bases.


Its size makes it ideal for use on apartment blocks and should make powering elevators much cheaper.



9. cut down :ph. 縮減

10. recoup :v. 收回

11. capacity: n. 容量

12. overtake :v. 追趕上

[Mattias Pettersson, Wind Turbine Project Coordinator]:

“We hope that this will become a part of our cut downs on bought electricity to our properties. It is meant to lower the amount of energy usage in the property where the turbine has been installed.”



One turbine is only able to recoup around 10 percent of the building’s energy usage.


Pettersson says further turbines should be able to cover all its energy needs.


But some residents have already complained about the noise the turbine makes in high winds.


Europe now generates 55 percent of global capacity in wind generation.


Germany was the world leader in the technology.


It’s since been overtaken by the United States, as that country looks for greener sources of energy.


