


Quake Survivors Struggle in Bitter Cold



1. Bitter: [ˋbɪtɚ] adj. 严寒刺骨的

2. Magnitude: [ˋmægnə͵tjud] n. 巨大

3. Desperately: [ˋdɛspərɪtlɪ] adv. 迫切地

4. Tremor: [ˋtrɛmɚ] n. 震动

5. Tent: [tɛnt] n. 帐篷

6. Erect: [ɪˋrɛkt] v. 设立;搭建

7. Damp: [dæmp] adj. 潮湿的

8. Collapse : [kəˋlæps] v. 倒塌

9. Rescue effort: ph. 救援工作;救援行动

10. wind down :v. phr. 放松下来

People in the eastern Turkish city of Ercis – the town hardest hit by last week’s 7.2 magnitude earthquake –desperately need proper shelter as temperatures continue to drop.

随着气温持续下降,在土耳其东部城市埃尔季什 ─ 上周被7.2级大地震重击的城镇,当地人们迫切需要适当的住处。

Many families made homeless by the deadly tremor have been living in so-called “tent cities”, erected by aid agencies.

致命的地震让许多家庭无家可归,一直生活在援助机构搭建的所谓 “帐篷城”。

A small amount of food is being distributed every day, but people say they are freezing in the tents.


[Veysi Can, Resident]:

“We are dying of the cold. It’s unbelievably cold. The ovens are not enough (to keep warm). If we turn them up too high we can be poisoned. It is also very damp. A solution needs to be found. It can’t continue in the tents.”


[Murat Altinsoy, Resident]:

“The tents aren’t stable. They are being opened by the wind. We have to keep going out to tie them down. It is a dry cold. There is nothing warm. We can’t have hot food and tea at the time we want it.”


Some people in Ercis have not yet been given tents, and have been forced to sleep outside, with small fires the only thing keeping them warm.


Early Saturday morning, it was 4 degrees and a strong wind made conditions bitterly cold. Snow could be seen on nearby hills.


Clean-up operations have begun in the city centre, where hundreds of buildings collapsed or were seriously damaged.


The streets of the city seemed emptier than before, as rescue efforts wind down and the cold weather keeps people off the streets.


