

Gaddafi Not Stepping Down


David Lee




1. vow [vaʊ] : v. 誓言

2. martyr : [ˋmɑrtɚ] n. 烈士

3. revolt : [rɪˋvolt] v. 反叛

4. unrest : [ʌnˋrɛst] 动乱; 动荡

5. Fiery : [ˋfaɪərɪ] adj. 激烈的

6. Rambling : [ˋræmblɪŋ] adj.漫步的; 闲聊的

7. mercenary : [ˋmɝsn͵ɛrɪ] n. 贪财的、受雇的

8. penal : [ˋpinl] n. 刑法

With the unrest continuing in Libya, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi said on Tuesday he would not step down despite a nationwide revolt against his rule, vowing to die in Libya as a martyr.


[Muammar Gaddafi, Libyan Leader]:

“Muammar Gaddafi is not occupying a position to resign from the same way other presidents did, Gaddafi is not a president. He is a leader of a revolution.”


Facing the greatest challenge to his 41-year rule, Gaddafi in a fiery but rambling address, called protesters “rats and mercenaries” who wanted to turn Libya into an Islamic state.


[Muammar Gaddafi, Libyan Leader]:

“The Libyan Penal code before the revolution says, each Libyan who uses weapons against Libya is sentenced to death.”


Libya’s security forces have cracked down fiercely on demonstrations across the country, in which more than 200 have been reportedly killed and hundreds more injured.



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