
伟大的时代 需要伟大的心灵




















(english version)

Great Historic Moments Need Great Souls and Hearts

( Statement for the DC Public Rally to “Support the 3 Million Chinese Quitting the CCP” )

Forty-two years ago, right here at Lincoln Memorial, Martin Luther King delivered his famous speech, “I Have a Dream”. That dream was calling for freedom. Dr. King said, “Again and again, we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force.”

Right here, we are standing on a land of high human morality, a palace of noble spirit. Today, the songs of freedom are resounding again, the historic moment of the gathering of our noble human spirits has, once again, appeared. A dream that all people share is becoming a reality.

People from about fifty countries around the world, both Chinese and westerners, gather today at Lincoln Memorial Union in America’s Capitol. Together, we stand on the holy land that symbolizes the nobility of the human spirit and morality. Today, the voices of freedom are heard again, awaking the spirit of saying NO to injustice, as Martin Luther King did forty-two years ago. Our dream today is for mankind to live without communism.

We are standing here today, looking at the land of China to the east. Though separated by the ocean and thousands of miles, standing here on the platform of the nobility of the human spirit, is same as standing right beside the 3 million heroes who have withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party. Hand in hand, our hearts and spirits are united. Great historic moments require great souls and hearts. Quitting the CCP is the way to walk out of the darkness and melt into the bright future. We believe this is the will of Heaven.

The shining power of our noble hearts shatters the darkness which once suffocated the land of China, the darkness and the horror of the Chinese Communist Party. We use the heavenly drums and powerful hammers of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party to smash the heavy spiritual shackles that have been forced on the people of China for the last 50 years of evil Party’s reign.

Right here and now, we awaken the whole world. Together with people of conscience, we welcome the spiritual awakening that is sure change the future of China and the whole world.

With heaven and earth as our witness, we declare in front of the whole world:

1. The CCP will collapse very soon. Human beings will witness a new and peaceful epoch without the evil Chinese Communist Party. Every individual should prepare for this, both psychologically and mentally. Let’s extend our support and best wishes for the coming happiness of the human world.

2. To all the people longing for wonderful lives in the future, including all members at all levels of the CCP: Please join the huge torrent of those quitting the CCP, follow the will of people and of heaven. Quit the CCP for the sake of freedom, choose the path of returning to your true self – that of compassion and conscience, get closer to the good, get far away from evil. Cut off any connection with the dark evil force, and peacefully walk through this special historic moment of the collapse of the doomed CCP.

3. We strongly request the Chinese Communist Party to immediately stop the persecution of the heroes who quit the CCP, and stop all aspects of the persecution of spiritual groups. If the Chinese Communist Party continues to go against the will of the people and of the world, and keeps committing its evil deeds, it will definitely be thrown out by history. We also strongly advise those die-hard members of the evil party: Treasure that precious life of yours, think carefully and don’t trash your lives by burying yourselves along with the doomed CCP. Don’t set yourself up as examples that verify the universal principle that “Evil will meet with retribution.” Don’t become a shameful statistic in human history.

4. We call on the international community: Please show your heartfelt support, openly and actively support the Chinese people’s right to take charge of their own fates by freely quitting the CCP. Safeguard the human world through your constant and firm persistence in the principles of the foundation of democratic countries. And always remember, you hold up a beacon of light for the future world.

5. History will memorialize the outstanding, courageous action of those at the forefront of this huge torrent of quitting the CCP. They are the heroes in this great historic moment. Everyone please salute these heroes, the vanguard of the tide of quitting the CCP.

The world is a mirror of us human beings. It shows us, without hiding anything, our true situation. If the world is dirty and muddy, then we should clean and purify our hearts and minds. If the society is dark, we should light the wisdom lighthouse for guiding our spirit.

Let’s together, hand in hand, walk out from the red wall built with lies.

Let our hearts wake up forever. Nothing will we fear.

Under the light of truth provided by the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, Compassionate and Tolerant people move on without any interferes or obstacle.

In the days ahead without the CCP, the whole world rejoices.
