

HK Photographer Praises NTD Competition


本则英语影音新闻及出处:新唐人电视台英语新闻 http://english.ntdtv.com/?c=256&a=4978(可线上观看)


1. submission deadline: n. 提交截止日

2. veteran: n. 老手; 富有经验者

3. Hong Kong-based: adj. 香港方面的

4. photographer: n. 摄影师

5. best news photo award: 最佳新闻摄影奖

6. association: n. 协会

7. look forward to: v. phr. 期待

Anchor: The submission deadline for NTD’s first Chinese International Photography Competition has already passed. But that’s not stopping one Hong Kong-based photographer from giving words of support. Our Hong Kong team introduces us to photography veteran Lin Wei-hong.


STORY: Lin Wei-hong has been a photographer in Hong Kong for more than 20 years. He has worked for the Apple Daily newspaper in Hong Kong, as well as Reuters and other international media. He is also a committee member of the Hong Kong 35mm Photography Society. Back in 1998 he won the best news photo award from Hong Kong Press Photographers Association.


He’s looking forward to NTD’s photography competition results, and says it’s a great opportunity for photographers to exchange ideas.



1. realistic photography: n. 写实摄影

2. to take the chance: v.phr. 抓住机会

3. first and foremost: phr. 首要的是

4. literature: n. 文学

5. creation: n. 创作

6. to take pride in: v. phr. 以…为荣

7. ethical standard: n. 道德标准

8. integrity: n. 操守; 正直

[Lin Wei-hong, News Photographer]: “I hope many of you can look into realistic photography. If you have any good creations please take the chance and join the competition held by NTD.”


Lin believes that photography isn’t just his job, but an art form first and foremost.


[Lin Wei-hong, News Photographer]: “When you talk about art, in photography, it’s not just taking photos, it includes many other aspects, such as literature, your thoughts on the society, to make a good creation. As a news photographer you should always have your vision wide open.”


Lin also takes great pride in shooting with a high ethical standard.


[Lin Wei-hong, News Photographer]: “If you hold a source, you might be responsible to speak for a particular group of people, so it is important to have high integrity yourself. No matter what, the photos you present must be real.”


