

Study Reveals the Secret of Happiness in Ukraine






1. reveal: v. [rɪˋvil] 揭露

2. come up: ph. [kʌm] [ʌp] 提出

3. poll: n. [pol] 民意測驗

4. consider: v. [kənˋsɪdɚ]認為

5. insignificant: adj. [͵ɪnsɪgˋnɪfəkənt]無足輕重的

6. component: n. [kəmˋponənt]構成要素

7. harmonious: adj. [hɑrˋmonɪəs]和諧的

8. trailing: v. [ˋtrelɪŋ]蔓生的

9. coincide with: ph. [͵koɪnˋsaɪd] [wɪð]相符、巧合、一致

10. value: v. [ˋvælju]重視

11. come and go: ph. [kʌm] [ænd] [go]來來去去、變化不斷

12. content: adj. [kənˋtɛnt]滿足的

A new study reveals there are fewer happy people in the Ukraine. Sociologists have come up with these figures: 63% of Ukrainians polls consider themselves “happy” –2% fewer than last year.


“Ukraine Today” is an independent political review.


[Deputy Head of “Ukraine Today”]:

“Such a small reduction in the level of happiness, which happened this year was the first time in six years. But it is quite insignificant. Rather, we can say that the level of happiness in Ukraine has stabilized.”

「今日烏克蘭」副首長Natalia Ishchenko說:


Sociologists have found that the main component of happiness for Ukrainians is being in a relationship, and having a harmoniousV family environment.


Health comes in second place followed by financial security.


Confidence in the future and opportunities for personal development come next with friendship, stability of the country and faith in God trailing the list.


[Volodymyr Paniotto, Director General, Kiev International Institute of Sociology]:

“People who love, and who are loved, are much happier than those who do not.”

基輔國際社會學機構總幹事Volodymyr Paniotto說:「會愛人與被愛的人們,比那些沒有愛的人快樂很多。」

And the word on the street seems to coincide with the study – Ukrainians value family and personal relationships above all else.


[Sergey, Coffee Merchant]:

“Money comes and goes. It’s here today and gone tomorrow, but your family is always close.”


[Maria Voloshchuk, Student]:

“You must love the people around you, then you will always be happy. Love is the only thing that makes people happy, no matter what.”

學生Maria Voloshchuk說:「你必須愛你周圍的人,那麼你將永遠幸福快樂。無論發生什麼,愛是唯一讓人快樂的事。」

[Svetlana Kharchenko, Retired]:

“Why am I happy? Because I have four grandchildren who are healthy.”

行將退休的Svetlana Kharchenko說:「我為何開心呢?因為我有四個健康的孫子。」

[Victor Khotyn, Driver Motorman]:

“Happiness is when you have a loving person, and when your relationships are well developed.”

驅動電車司機Victor Khotyn說:「快樂是當你有鐘愛的人,且你的關係發展良好。」

There were some not so happy, mainly about work.


[Sergei Sojma, Builder]:

“Because work is not normal and regular, and I have to go to work and earn money.”

建商Sergei Sojma說:「因為工作不正常和不規律,我必須去工作賺錢。」

[Ivan Kolchanov, Builder]:

“How can we be happy? Happy are those who can get work easily, and always have money.”

建商Ivan Kolchanov說:「我們要如˙何才能快樂呢?快樂是那些總能輕易得到工作,總是有錢的人。」

One offers advice on how to find happiness in everything.


The first step – to rejoice in what you already have.


[Ali Aliyev, Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine]: (male, Russian)

“The good things in our life may be few, but we must be content and happy with the small things we do have. And then God will give us greater things.”


Maybe if we follow this advice, there’d be more happy people in the world.


NTD News, Kiev, Ukraine

