歐議會副主席籲停止迫害高智晟 停止北京奧運

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【大紀元4月8日訊】(希望之聲記者雨晴、米蘭報導)4月6日,歐洲議會副主席愛德華.麥克米蘭-斯考特(Edward McMillan-Scott)在得悉沉寂了8個月之久的大陸著名維權律師高智晟通過電話,第一次公開向外界講出了自去年8月15日遭中共秘密綁架後,他和他的家庭至今所遭受的酷刑、要挾和誣陷等狀況後,透過希望之聲表達了他的看法。基於中共持續的對高智晟和所有維權人士的迫害,麥克米蘭-斯考特呼籲世界的人民必須停止北京奧運。連接收聽

“I send my best wishes and support to all who protest about the arbitrary, brutal, corrupt and paranoid Communist regime in China. Every day brings more evidence of crimes against humanity by agents of the Chinese Communist Party and its agencies; every day is a day nearer the freedom and democracy which the people of China deserve after generations of horror. Every day is a day nearer the justice which the International Criminal Court, supported by 104 states so far, will hand down to the tyrants in China.


“I want in particular to highlight the way in which the regime is treating China’s leading human rights activist, Mr Gao Zhisheng, a Christian who will today celebrate the resurrection of his God. His so-called ‘house arrest’ – after I spoke to him and took up his cause – is a living hell. Just because of their treatment of this one man, the world community must stop the Beijing Olympics. Gao is being punished because of his defence of the many thousands of victims of the regime, like Zhang Lianying, the wife of Niu Jinping, who I met last May in Beijing: she has been tortured so much for her practise of Falun Gong that she is deaf.


“The other former prisoner I met, Mr Cao Dong, is still in prison and suffering torture. His crime, apart from being a Falun Gong practitioner, is that he met me while I was preparing a report on human rights and democracy. His case was raised with the regime recently by the new president of the European Parliament, Dr Hans-Gert Poettering. The civilised world is watching – and waiting.”

另一位我見過面的曹東先生,目前還在監獄遭受酷刑。他的罪行,除了作為一個法輪功學員以外,就是他當我在準備一篇人權和民主的報告時,與我會面。近期歐洲議會的新主席波特林 ( Hans-Gert Poettering )已經向中共提及他的案子。文明的國家正在看著,正在等待。

歐洲議會副主席麥克米蘭.斯考特(Edward McMillan-Scott),從1997年9月起到2001年12月擔任歐洲議會的保守黨領袖,並監督了1999年歐盟的選舉。2004年7月他被選為歐洲議會副主席,同時,他也是歐洲議會中最大觀察團的主席。在歐洲議會中,麥克米蘭-斯考特擔任多年的外交事務和安全部門的保守黨發言人。
