
世界公民組織常駐聯合國代表 Rene Wadlow在日內瓦迎接人權聖火儀式上的致辭


【大紀元9月25日訊】一位愛爾蘭的詩人、社會改革家A.E. (George Russell)曾經寫過:有火把就一定同時會有它的影子。





3) 第三個黑影是對法輪功修煉者的抓捕和判刑曝露出他們對女性採取的特別惡劣暴行,現在有大量的強姦和貶低女性人格的案例曝光。對女性的這種侮辱和虐待反映出中國社會中隱藏的最深而且又廣的對女性的輕視——最黑暗心理的暴露。

4) 第四個黑影是從1999年7月22日宣佈禁止法輪功,到同年10月30日才通過立法為打壓法輪功找依據,這一切說明了中國在宗教和信仰法律領域的黑暗,同時也表明了中國需要改革結社自由的所有立法。

所以,作為一名法輪功受迫害真相調查團的成員,我讚賞這一重要嚐試——在全世界傳遞人權火炬。我們呼籲中國政府履行他們為獲得奧運會主辦權時做過的承諾,修改他們目前的政策以符合國際公認的在公民、政治、經濟、社會和文化方面的權利。我們也同時呼籲越來越強大的中國民間團體和非政府組織繼續努力, 強調符合生態發展,爭取釋放那些被非法關押在監獄和勞教所裡的人們。我們堅信奧林匹克精神會在中國發揚光大。奧林匹亞之神代表了人類最好的品德: 正義, 公正, 儘自己最大的能力和理解去付諸行動。奧林匹亞之神也是道家聖賢的兄弟姐妹,他們的榜樣光照人間。正是本著這樣的精神, 我們不但今天在這裡集會,而且在今後將繼續在精神上支持你們。@


It was the Irish poet and social reformer A.E. (George Russell) who wrote that 「There never yet was a fire which did not cast dark shadows of itself.」

This is what we see currently in China with the Government’s repressive policy of the Falun Gong spiritual movement. The Falun Gong is a fire, a light, coming from the deep embers of Chinese culture, drawing on Taoist and Buddhist principles and on long-used techniques of exercises and Qi gong.

This fire, under the ashes of modern history, is now lighting the lives of millions with its three chief virtues: Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Forbearance. But the brighter the light, the darker the shadows. The light of the Falun Gong has shown at least four areas of shadows and darkness in Chinese Government policy.

1) The first area of darkness is the persistent use of administrative detention and the regulation of people to the 「re-education through labour camps」 in which many Falun Gong practitioners are held. The use of administrative detention is a fundamental denial of the right to a fair trial and to adequate defence.

2) The arrests of Falun Gong practitioners have highlighted the wide-spread use of torture not only in the re-education through labour camps but also in jails and prisons. Torture is used as a means of social control; it is used with the aim of striking terror into the hearts of the people.

3) The arrest and imprisonment of Falun Gong practitioners has highlighted deliberate violence against women. There have been numerous cases of rape and degrading punishment. Their treatment is an indication of a wider and deeper contempt for women in Chinese society — a projection from the heart of darkness.

4) The banning of the Falun Gong on 22 July 1999 and the passing of legislation to justify the ban only on 30 October 1999 is an indication of the shadowy nature of legislation concerning religion and belief in China and the need for reform of all legislation concerning the freedom of association.

Thus, as a member of the Coalition d’Investigation sur la Persecution du Falun Gong en Chine, I welcome this important effort to carry an alternative Flame of Light throughout the world. Our is a call to the authorities in China to live up to the promises they have made for holding the Olympic Games and so to modify their policies in conformity with universally recognized civil and political, economic, social and cultural rights. Our’s is also a call to the growing Chinese civil society and Non-governmental organizations to continue their efforts to stress ecologically-sound development, to work for the freeing of those unjustly in prisons and in reform through labour camps. We are sure that the Olympic Spirit will grow in China. The gods of Olympus came to represent the best of human qualities: justice, fairness, acting to the best of one’s abilities and understanding. The gods of Olympus are the brothers and sisters of the Taoist sages whose example shines forth for all humans. It is in that Spirit that we are gathered today and will continue with you in Spirit in the days ahead.


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