

【大紀元7月3日訊】為了展現台美人認同斯土及愛國的情操於美國大眾之前, 並借此增進台美友誼及台灣的能見度, 我們一群在華府的台美人將於今年七月四日以台美人國家遊行團隊的名稱連續受邀參加今(第七)年度的華府美國國慶日大遊行。


內容: 我們今年度的遊行內容/隊伍將有以下三個單位組成: 1) 掌旗步行領導隊伍; 2) 台美人舞蹈隊; 及 3) 台美 (東西) 合璧的『快樂國慶日』號花車。

時地: 歡迎大家來作伙, 共襄盛舉。遊行集合地點, 時間, 及其他有關消息如下:

· 集合地點: National Mall ground on 7th Street near Jefferson Drive; enter from the security check point at 4th Street and Independence Ave., then walk to the 7th St assembly area; nearest Metro (subway) station is L’Enfant Plaza Station.
· 集會時間: 7/04 (Friday) 10:55 AM ; parade will start at 11:45 AM. Our unit’s parade ending time is ~1:00 PM.
· Our Parade Unit No.: #88 (Taiwanese American National Parade Group)
· 服裝: For marchers only (excluding dancers): Khaki pants, white shoes, key lime (light green) color T shirt (same as the one we wore in the National Memorial Day Parade; wear such T shirt if you have one; otherwise, it will be provided at the assembly area); U.S. flag patterned hat (o.k. to have a green Taiwan map on it; wear such hat if you have one; otherwise it will be provided.)
· Water and snack: will be provided.
· 停車: at the dispersal point, i.e., 18th St. between Virginia Ave. & E St. by permit only; there are five such parking permits available and if you need one, please contact the Contact Person listed below.
· 遊行路線: Constitution Ave., beginning at 7th St. and ending at 17th St. (~1.1 miles).
· 聯絡人: 謝榮春 (703-356-6420)

記華府台灣文化中心2008 年『台灣曲之夜』