

Thai PM Ordered to Step Down



1. PM: prime minister總理的縮寫,

2. violate: v. 違反

3. situation: n. 情形

4. accuse: v. 控告

5. illegally: adv. 違法地

6. unanimous: adj. 無異議的

7. disqualification: n. 不適任

8. verdict: n. 判決

9. puppet: n. 傀儡

10. coup: n. 政變

11. cabinet: n. 內閣

12. paralyze: v. 使癱瘓

13. flurry: adj. 混亂

14. civil unrest: n. 人民動亂

Anchor: Thailand’s Constitutional Court ordered Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej to step down on Tuesday, saying he had violated the law. Here are more details on the situation.

新聞主播:泰國憲政法院星期二(Sep.9)命令總理薩瑪 撒達維辭職下台,聲稱他違反憲法,我們接著收看詳細的情形。

STORY: The prime minister is being accused of breaking the law by hosting TV cooking shows while in office. Along with that, his driver had illegally accepted 80,000 baht ($2,320) for fuel and cooking ingredients from a private broadcaster.


[Chat Cholaworn, Thailand Court Judge]:
”The court has reached a unanimous decision that what the accused did had violated the constitution, resulting in the disqualification of Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej.”


The verdict prompted some cheers from the People’s Alliance for Democracy, or PAD, who accuse Samak of being a puppet of Thailand’s former prime minister who was ousted by the army in a 2006 coup.


[Somsak Kosaisook, PAD Leader]: 
”It is clear that Samak’s cabinet has been disqualified since the beginning, especially the prime minister. This is just a fact that we have always believed.”


The political stand-off has paralyzed the government and scared away visitors to the “Land of Smiles.” Airlines and hotels are reporting cancellations amid a flurry of travel warnings in the wake of the ongoing civil unrest.




