

Sony Returns to e-Books in Japan





1. In time for :ph. 及时赶上

2. Foothold: [ˋfʊt͵hold] n. 立足处

3. Take off :ph. 起飞

4. Embrace: [ɪmˋbres] v. 拥抱;欣然接受

5. Title: [ˋtaɪt!] n. 书名

6. Head off: ph. 阻止

7. Rival: [ˋraɪv!] n. 竞争对手

8. Traction: [ˋtrækʃən] n. 牵引力

9. Eye: [aɪ] v. 注视

10. Untapped: [ʌnˋtæpt] adj. 未开发的

11. Secure: [sɪˋkjʊr] v. 获得

12. Market share: ph. 市占率

Japan’s Sony is returning to the domestic e-book market next month, in time for the year-end shopping season.


The consumer electronics giant is also hoping to establish a foothold in a market that has yet to take off among Japan’s readers.


Despite interest among space-constrained Japanese residents, Sony left the e-book market in 2007, mainly due to a lack of content.


Unlike elsewhere, Japan’s publishers have been slow to embrace the technology.


Sony is now counting on demand for its local content of 20,000 mainly Japanese titles from its Reader store, to head off rivals like Apple and Amazon.


Amazon’s Japanese Kindle is expected to be launched only next year, while the iPad has been gaining traction since its launch earlier this year.


Sony’s return comes amid intense competition in e-book markets overseas, with the company’s marketing president Nobuki Kurita eyeing half of the untapped Japanese market.


[Nobuki Kurita, Sony Marketing Division President]:

“We would like to sell 300,000 units in the first year of production. In the e-readers industry, specifically in e-readers, we expect those which use e-ink will exceed one million and depending on growth, we hope to be able to secure about 50 percent of market share.”


Sony’s Reader Pocket Edition and Reader Touch Edition will be available from December 10.


Each stores about 1,400 books and will retail for between $240 and $300.



本专栏由前卫英语李德良老师主编 www.davidlee.url.tw