


At Least 91 Dead in Norway Shooting, Bomb Attack



1. ferocious: adj. [fəˋroʃəs]凶猛的、残忍的

2. at random: ph. [æt] [ˋrændəm] 任意行动、随机过程

3. scatter: v. [ˋskætɚ] 分散、消散

4. spray: v. [spre]喷洒、溅散

5. echo: v. [ˋɛko]发出回声

6. detain: v. [dɪˋten]拘留、扣留

7. spree: n. [spri]无节制的狂热行为

8. blow out: ph. [blo] [aʊt]爆裂

9. strew: v. [stru]铺盖、散落

10. masonry: n. [ˋmesnrɪ]石造建筑

11. be known for: ph.因…而闻名

12. mediate: v. [ˋmidɪ͵et]调停解决、居中

A suspected right-wing Christian gunman in police uniform killed at least 84 people in a ferocious attack on a youth summer camp of Norway’s ruling Labour party, hours after a bomb killed seven in Oslo.


Witnesses said the gunman, identified by police as a 32-year-old Norwegian, moved across the small, wooded Utoeya holiday island on Friday, firing at random as young people scattered in fear.


Teenagers at the lakeside camp fled screaming in panic, many leaping into the water to save themselves, when the assailant began spraying them with gunfire, witnesses said.


Many sought shelter in buildings as shots echoed across the island that was hosting the annual camp for the youth wing of the Labour Party. Others fled into the woods or tried to swim to safety.


[Dana Barzingi, Survivor]:

“Afterwards there were many shot people, so I saved… I tried to save those I could, but there were people there I couldn’t do anything for.”

幸存者Dana Barzingi说:

“之后很多人被射杀,所以我救了… …我试图挽救那些我能力可及的人,但也有人在那里,我却无力可施。”

Police have detained the gunman, and charged him for the island killing spree and the Oslo bomb blast.


The bomb took out Oslo mid-afternoon, blowing out the windows of the prime minister’s building and damaging the finance and oil ministry buildings.


Streets were strewn with shattered masonry, glass and twisted steel.


The Oslo district attacked is the very heart of power in Norway. Nevertheless, security is not tight in a country unused to such violence and better known for awarding the Nobel Peace Prize and mediating in conflicts, including the Middle East and Sri Lanka.


