
Jessie Chen, David Lee
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World’s Longest Passenger Jet Debuts in Paris Air Show
世界最长客机 巴黎航展首次亮相


1. debut: n. [dɪˋbju]首次露面;初次登台
2. intercontinental: adj. [͵ɪntɚ͵kɑntəˋnɛnt!]洲际的
3. elongated: adj. [ɪˋlɔŋgetɪd] (极其)瘦长的
4. herald: n. [ˋhɛrəld]先驱、预报者
5. improve: v. [ɪmˋpruv]改善
6. symbolize: v. [ˋsɪmb!͵aɪz]象征
7. showcase: n. [ˋʃo͵kes]供亮相的地方
8. aeronautical: adj. [͵ɛrəˋnɔtɪk!]航空学的
9. pull in: ph. [pʊl] in吸入、拉进
10. top: v. [tɑp]超过、胜过
11. set to: ph. [sɛt] [tu]准备做
12. dominate: v. [ˋdɑmə͵net]支配、统治

Boeing officials smiled and gave thumbs up as they boarded the world’s longest plane, the new Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental, after it touched down at the Paris Air Show on Sunday.

The plane, an elongated version of the Boeing 747, is one of the star attractions and heralds the start of the world’s largest air show set to open at Le Bourget, just outside Paris on Monday.

[Mark Feuerstein, Chief Pilot for Boeing 747 Program]:
“We have a new interior, inspired by the 787, that will increase and improve the passenger experience beyond what they’re used to today. And of course it’s still the fastest transport-category airplane in the world.”

It’s the first major public appearance for the new jet, which is painted in orange and red “sunrise” patterns, symbolizing the rise of Asia as a hugely important market.

Le Bourget is a showcase for the biggest and best of all things aeronautical – not just the planes themselves, but also the sales.

All eyes will be on the new Boeing to see whether it not only goes further in length but also in pulling in orders.

The U.S. plane-maker, Boeing, estimated a total of 33,500 jetliner sales by all manufacturers between 2011 and 2030, led by Asia which has already topped North merica as the busiest region for air travel and is set to dominate in coming decades.

本专栏由前卫英语李德良老师主编 www.davidlee.url.tw

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