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阿富汗男孩“与义肢共舞” 笑容感染全球网友


阿富汗内战不断,政府军和塔利班的冲突使得烽火连年。几年前,洛加尔省村庄里一对姊弟误触地雷,只有8个月大的弟弟艾哈迈德‧拉曼(Ahmad Rahman)和姊姊萨莉玛都受重伤。弟弟的右腿被炸断,被迫截肢。


拍下影片的是喀布尔(Kabul)红十字会骨科中心的理疗师穆卡拉‧拉希米(Mulkara Rahimi),她负责为男孩安装义肢。这已经是拉曼的第4副义肢了。

阿富汗喀布尔(Kabul)红十字会骨科中心(International Committee of the Red Cross)的物理治疗师穆卡拉‧拉希米(Mulkara Rahimi)(右),为五岁男孩艾哈迈德‧拉曼(Ahmad Rahman)装上义肢。
理疗师穆卡拉‧拉希米(Mulkara Rahimi)(右),为五岁男孩艾哈迈德‧拉曼(Ahmad Rahman,左)装上义肢。(



拉希米说,拉曼开心的笑容感染很多人,给工作人员带来极大的鼓励,所以才拍下影片传看。经红十字会员工罗亚‧穆萨维(Roya Musawi)在推特分享后,立即引来广大回响。网友们感染了男孩的开心,称赞他“好可爱”、“笑容好灿烂”、“像小天使”。

Ahmad Sayed Rahman, a five-year-old Afghan boy who lost his right leg when he was hit by a bullet in the crossfire of a battle, walks without his prosthetic leg at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) hospital for war victims and the disabled, in Kabul on May 7, 2019. - With his hands in the air and an infectious grin spreading from ear to ear, a young Afghan boy whirls around a Kabul hospital room on his new prosthetic leg. The boy, five-year-old Ahmad Sayed Rahman, has become a social media star in Afghanistan and beyond after a short video of him effortlessly dancing on his new limb was published this week on Twitter. (Photo by WAKIL KOHSAR / AFP) (Photo credit should read WAKIL KOHSAR/AFP/Getty Images)
Ahmad Sayed Rahman, a five-year-old Afghan boy who lost his right leg when he was hit by a bullet in the crossfire of a battle, sits on a bench without his prosthetic leg at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) hospital for war victims and the disabled, in Kabul on May 7, 2019. - With his hands in the air and an infectious grin spreading from ear to ear, a young Afghan boy whirls around a Kabul hospital room on his new prosthetic leg. The boy, five-year-old Ahmad Sayed Rahman, has become a social media star in Afghanistan and beyond after a short video of him effortlessly dancing on his new limb was published this week on Twitter. (Photo by WAKIL KOHSAR / AFP) (Photo credit should read WAKIL KOHSAR/AFP/Getty Images)

事实上,拉曼的遭遇并不是唯一,而是一个很普遍的现象。阿富汗战火造成当地数不清的无辜百姓的死伤,像他这样的伤患可能有上万例,许多伤残者失去手臂或双腿。红十字会主任艾伯托‧开罗(Alberto Cairo)向《华盛顿邮报》表示,这则影片的广传,引起了人们的重视和关切。


Ahmad Sayed Rahman, a five-year-old Afghan boy who lost his right leg when he was hit by a bullet in the crossfire of a battle, sits on a bench without his prosthetic leg at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) hospital for war victims and the disabled, in Kabul on May 7, 2019. - With his hands in the air and an infectious grin spreading from ear to ear, a young Afghan boy whirls around a Kabul hospital room on his new prosthetic leg. The boy, five-year-old Ahmad Sayed Rahman, has become a social media star in Afghanistan and beyond after a short video of him effortlessly dancing on his new limb was published this week on Twitter. (Photo by WAKIL KOHSAR / AFP) (Photo credit should read WAKIL KOHSAR/AFP/Getty Images)


物理治疗师穆卡拉‧拉希米(Mulkara Rahimi)经常参加残障体育竞赛。(<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a>)
理疗师穆卡拉‧拉希米(Mulkara Rahimi,中)经常参加残障体育竞赛。(


阿富汗喀布尔红十字会骨科中心的物理治疗师穆卡拉‧拉希米(Mulkara Rahimi)(右),为五岁男孩艾哈迈德‧拉曼(Ahmad Rahman,左)装上义肢。(<a target="_blank" href="" target="_blank"></a>)
理治师穆卡拉‧拉希米(Mulkara Rahimi,右)和五岁男孩艾哈迈德‧拉曼(Ahmad Rahman,左)因为一则温馨影片,引发全世界对战区儿童现况的关注。(

▽ 影片发布后,艾哈迈德‧拉曼已成社群媒体小明星。下图是受拉曼感染的网友送给他的创意图画。

