给布什写信 促王炳章保外就医






Mr. President George W. Bush

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Washington D.C. 20500

July 2, 2004

Dear Mr. President :

I am writing to ask you to call on the Chinese authority for an immediate medical parole for Dr. Wang Bingzhang, a prominent Chinese pro-democracy dissident currently serving life sentence in Guangdong Province for exercising his freedom of speech.

Dr. Wang suffered from a severe stroke on January 24, 2004, and was hospitalized for more than a month. Until a visit by a sister of Dr. Wang last week, this life-threatening event had been kept secret by the prison and the Chinese Government. Regular monthly visits by family members had been suspended since January 2004 for five consecutive months by the authority, citing a bird flu epidemic as its excuse. But the truth is that the Chinese Government doesn’t want the outside world to know about its deplorable mistreatment of political detainees. Dr. Wang’s stroke was triggered by a hunger strike to protest harsh punishment by the prison for his uncooperative behavior, including solitary confinement for the past two years. Until recently, the family had no knowledge of such mistreatment and his deteriorating health conditions. The prison officials only reported that he was healthy. Dr. Wang has a documented medical history of phlebitis that may trigger a stroke, besides hepatitis and duodenal ulcer. A likely second stroke would be much more devastating and possibly fatal.

As you might already know, Dr. Wang was kidnapped from Vietnam to China, and was in no way a Taiwanese spy or a terrorist leader as falsely charged by the Chinese Communist authority. On the contrary, he is a great Chinese democrat and patriot.

Out of humanitarian concern I respectfully implore you to intervene on Dr. Wang’s behalf.

Sincerely Yours,




郑贻春:黄花岗精神 万丈灯塔永不灭
韦拓:从下滑到坍塌 国足告别世界杯之路