

【大纪元10月14日讯】为了庆祝中华民国国庆, ‘2005年全侨秋季健行烤肉活动’将于十月十六日(星期日)上午九时半在百福水坝西岸公园(Buford Dam West Bank Park)举行. 这次活动由亚特兰大中华总会主办,侨务委员会辅导, 协办单位包括: 洪门致公堂,协胜公会, 韩华联谊会, 亚裔商会, 广东同乡会, 华人餐馆同业公会,亚裔餐馆同业公会, 重阳会, 射击协会, 中山学会, 眷村联谊会, 客家同乡会, 亚城歌唱社, 雅韵舞社, 台湾商会。  

健行集合地点在Buford Dam的West Bank Park. 进入公园门票费为一车4元. 集合时间是上午九时, 九时半开始健行。健行路线为桂花小径Laurel Ridge Trail,全长为3.9英哩。大约一个半到两个小时可走完全程。沿途风景幽美,适合全家郊游。主办单位将供应午餐,餐后还有抽奖及团康活动。需要地图者 可到世界书局索取. 为统计午餐人数,请电话报名404-325-7263王建民。

Cumming(Georgia 400)

Take Georgia 400, exit 14 (GA 20, Buford, Cumming) which comes off the right after passing under GA 20. At the end of the ramp turn right and continue to the Highway 9 traffic light at 0.3 miles. Turn right on Highway 9 and turn right again in 0.9 miles on Buford Dam Road (look for a Shell Station). Continue on the road and you will see the Buford Dam entrance, West Bank entrance is on the left side before you pass the Dam.

From Atlanta (I-285)

Take I-285 East , exit at Peachtree Industrial Blvd North(SR141)..Keep on Peachtree Industrial Blvd., North when SR141 and Peachtree Industrial Blvd split. Turn left on Swanee -Dam Road and go up to the mountain. At the end of the road, turn left to Buford Dam Road. Pass Buford Dam. West Bank entrance is on the right side.


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