

想要看懂英语新闻,语言(Language)其实是最低的一个层次,再往上是常识(Common Sense),常识还不够,再往上是知识(Knowledge)。知识还不够,再往上是经验见识(Experience)。再往上是视野(Vision),再往上是洞见(Insight),再往上是智慧(Wisdom)。

这是David 老师所开创的新闻报纸学(Newspaperology)的七层境界。Newspaerology是David老师创造出来的英文字,你在字典是查不出来的。它是如何快速学会看懂英文报纸等新闻英语的一整套系统。



ANCHOR: The U.S. warns China that its policies on Taiwan are too extreme and do not help efforts to stabilize the situation in Asia- says that China must also put pressure on North Korea to return to the six-party nuclear talks.


STORY: U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on Monday (March 21) that parties involved in six-nation talks over North Korea’s nuclear programs would have to find new ways of dealing with the threat if Pyongyang stays away from the negotiations.


Rice pressed China to make North Korea return to talks after warning that Washington would not wait forever.


She said, “It goes without saying that to the degree that a nuclear free Korean Penninsula gets more difficult to achieve if the North does not recognise that it needs to do that, and of course we will have to look at other options. This is an issue of considerable concern for the United States and not just for the United States but for every other state in this region.”


With U.S. impatience rising over the talks that have been on hold since June, Rice’s remarks exposed a split between the United States and its partners in the negotiations.


While U.S. officials have declined to specify what steps were under consideration, hardliners in the Bush administration want to call off the talks and report North Korea to the United Nations for possible sanctions.

