乌克兰研讨会决议文 民众热烈联署

呼吁调查制止活摘器官罪行 停止迫害法轮功

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【大纪元5月18日讯】(大纪元记者南希美国华府报导) 5月12日﹐“共产主义及后共产国家的罪行” 研讨会在乌克兰首都基辅市教育大楼青年宫举行。研讨会由大纪元乌克兰分部和乌克兰著名人权组织“乌克兰政治犯协会” 联合举办。

乌克兰国会议员麦考拉‧朱林斯基先生(Mykola Zhulinskii)(大纪元)

乌克兰政治犯协会主席、前国会议员伊夫格‧普荣尼克先生 (Mr. Evgen Pronuk)(大纪元)

国际人权组织成员麦考拉‧穆索诺克先生(Mykola Musonoc)(大纪元)


乌克兰国会议员麦考拉‧朱林斯基先生(Mykola Zhulinskii)﹐ 乌克兰受饥饿研究者协会执行主席娜塔莉‧苏和度斯卡(Natalia Suhodolska)﹐国际人权组织成员麦考拉‧穆索诺克先生(Mykola Musonoc)﹐乌克兰政治犯协会主席、前国会议员伊夫格‧普荣尼克先生 (Mr. Evgen Pronuk)﹐中国人权问题专家吴文新先生﹐美国华盛顿DC美国天主教大学教授聂森博士﹐美国马里兰州医学博士于建梅医生﹐和澳洲悉尼受迫害法轮功学员戴志珍女士及其女儿陈法度应邀在会上发表演讲。




决议文经举手表决﹐全数一致通过 (大纪元)




鉴于﹐乌克兰在共产党极权执政期间超过2千万的乌克兰人被迫害死亡﹐其中有大约1千万人是在1921到1922 ﹐1932到 1933 ﹐1946到 1947年间死于饥饿﹔






鉴于﹐根据国际追查迫害法轮功组织(WOIPFG) 的资料显示﹐7年内有超过3000人在中国仅仅是因为他们修炼法轮功而被迫害和虐待致死﹐并且约有10万人被关押在劳动教养所﹔

鉴于﹐根据国际追查迫害法轮功组织(WOIPFG) 的资料显示﹐今天大约有2百万人因为修炼法轮功而被关押在监狱﹐集中营﹐劳教所﹐拘留中心﹐精神病院和军事医院。这些人像原料般的被摘取器官来营利。同时﹐他们也是中国共产党现行犯罪的证人而被杀害﹐因为中国共产党要在2006年7月1日以前除掉他们﹔

鉴于﹐欧洲委员会的国会议会采用了2006年1月25日的决议文。呼吁“需要国际谴责共产主义极权政权” ﹔并且表达希望在最短的时间内能够建立一个国际法程序来谴责共产主义的罪行。








我们要求乌克兰所有政府级别遵循乌克兰总统在2005年7月11日第1088/2005“有关政府支持前政治犯的激烈化﹐由于钳制和他们组织的理由” 的指示以及在2005年7月11日第1087/2005的“有关使对在乌克兰受政治钳制和饥饿迫害牺牲者的记忆永存做更多努力”的指示﹔




决议文签署人﹕麦考拉‧朱林斯基先生(Mykola Zhulinskii) – 乌克兰国会议员﹐娜塔莉‧苏和度斯卡(Natalia Suhodolska) – 乌克兰受饥饿研究者协会执行主席﹐伊夫格‧普荣尼克先生 (Mr. Evgen Pronuk) -前乌克兰政府成员及大乌克兰政治犯和钳制者协会主席﹐麦考拉‧穆索诺克先生(Mykola Musonoc) -具有欧洲委员会和联合国管理地位的“国际人权组织”成员。


Ukraine, Kiev, May 12, 2006

To the President of Ukraine
Prime Minister
Ukrainian Government
International and human rights organizations

International Human Rights Forum “The problem of the human rights in communist and post-communist countries”


Topic: Condemnation of the criminal acts of the communist totalitarian regimes.

Aim: to recognize and to condemn the crimes of the communist totalitarian regimes and to prevent the reiteration of that tragedy in the future.

Taking into the consideration that, during the ruling of the communist regime in Ukraine more than 20 million Ukrainians were killed, among them – almost 10 million people died from the starvations in 1921-1922, 1932-1933, 1946-1947;

Taking into the consideration that, Ukraine is a member of the European Council, representative of the UNO and other international organizations, which protect the fundamental human rights – right for life, freedom of choosing, freedom of speech and belief, freedom of assembly and information and others;

Taking into the consideration that, under the influence of the totalitarian communist ideology, the literature and activities of political and social figures in Ukraine were looked at with the prejudice, and that led to the wrong understanding of the historical and social phenomenon, in particular, the activities of OUN, Ukrainian Rebel Army, which were looked one-sidedly;

Taking into the consideration that, persecution of people using different means for their personal views, beliefs and political thinking is still a manifestation of the totalitarian nature of communist regime;

Taking into the consideration that, international community is now appraise the communist ideology and practice, which led more than 10 million people to quit the Chinese Communist Party, and that shows a peaceful way of stopping the communist dictatorship;

Taking into the consideration that, in such a communist country as China, and other totalitarian countries, the crimes against humanity are still taking place;

Taking into the consideration that, according to the data of the Worldwide Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), within 7 years more than 3 thousand people were killed under persecution and tortures in China only because they practice Falun Gong, and about 100.000 are being held in the labor camps;

Taking into the consideration that, according to the data of the Worldwide Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), today approximately 2.000.000 people who practice Falun Gong are being kept in the prisons, concentration camps, labor camps, detention canters, mental hospitals and military hospitals. And these people are used as a raw material to take their organs of for profit. And also they are the witnesses which are to be killed, because CCP wants to get rid of them till July 1, 2006;

Taking into the consideration that, Parliamentary Assembly of the European Council adopted the resolution on January 25, 2006. It is called “Need for international condemnation of communist totalitarian regimes”;
And expressing the hope that in a short time there will be created an international law process to condemn the crimes of communism,

Organizers and co-organizers of the International Human Rights Forum “The problem of the human
rights in communist and post-communist countries” decided

That the suffering of Ukrainians from the communism regime must be remained all the time, because each young generation can have a chance to learn about the crimes that were committed by the communist regime, and for that reason we have to create Ukrainian National Memory Institute;
That international and human rights organizations must recognize and condemn the crimes of the communist totalitarian regimes, and first of all to recognize the starvation to be the genocide of the Ukrainian nation;
That each country including China has to stop persecuting people for their national or ethnic characteristic, belief and faith, and that includes people who practice Falun Gong and Tibetan; and also to immediately stop to persecute lawyers, writers, journalists and democracy activists for the freedom of assembly;

And also

We call to the President of Ukraine, members of Ukrainian Parliament, Government of Ukraine and the local executive governments to position themselves and to officially condemn the crimes of communism;

We call to the President of Ukraine, members of Ukrainian Parliament, Government of Ukraine and the local executive governments to condemn the evil persecution of people who practice Falun Dafa in China;

We demand all the governmental levels in Ukraine to follow the instructions of the President of Ukraine  1088/2005 from July 11, 2005 “About the intensification of the governmental support of the former political prisoners, subjects of repression and their organizations” and  1087/2005 from July 11, 2005 “About additional efforts to perpetuate the memory of victims of political repressions and starvations in Ukraine”;

We call to the international human rights organizations and the Government of Ukraine to create an independent Committee to investigate the unlawful living organs harvesting from people who practice Falun Gong and other political prisoners, who are being kept in the labor camps of China;

We call to the international human rights organizations and the Government of Ukraine to initiate the international law process for the crimes of communism;

We call to the international human rights organizations and the Government of Ukraine to support the worldwide wave of quitting the communist party, in particular those 10 million people who quit the CCP, which shows the peaceful way of stopping communist dictatorships existing in the world.

The Resolution was signed by: Mykola Zhulinskii – member of the Ukrainian Parliament, Natalia Suhodolska – chief executive of the starvations researchers Association in Ukraine, Evgen Pronuk – member of Ukrainian Government and the head of All-Ukrainian Association of Political Prisoners and Subjects of Suppression, Mykola Musonoc – member of “Human Rights International Organization”, which has the supervisor status in European Council and UNO.

Each our step in clarification of this issue can help us to save many people, at the same time our inactivity can lead to the losing of many innocent lives, who believe in our help.

乌克兰关注中国退党潮 研讨共党威胁
九评空中读书会 第42集