

Macau Casinos Face Tough Times





Local and mainland Chinese workers in Macau are worried about their jobs during these tough economic times.


This former Portuguese colonial backwater has enjoyed a golden streak as a casino town since 2002. But now it seems luck has run out for this gambling paradise.


On Macau’s dusty Cotai strip, the cranes at the Las Vegas Sands’ construction site stand idle. Last week most of the 11,000 workers on two construction sites were laid off. Some of these workers are blaming the government for a casino glut.



1. casino: n. 赌场

2.tough: adj. 不幸的

3. backwater: n. 荒僻处

4. streak: n. 矿脉

5. gambling paradise: n. phr. 赌博乐园

6. construction: n. 建筑; 建造

7. lay off: v. phr. 解雇

[Ng Sek-Io, Construction Worker]: “I am a Macau person and all of Macau’s half million people are angry with the government.”

建筑工人Ng Sek-Io说:“我是澳门人,五十万的澳门人都很气政府。”

They say there are too many casino licenses, and land was given to developers in shady deals.


[Ng Sek-Io, Construction Worker]: “It’s a corrupt and incompetent government and it hasn’t considered our current livelihood difficulties.”

建筑工人Ng Sek-Io说:“政府贪污无能,没有顾虑到我们的现在生活的困难。”

And migrant workers from China are facing an uncertain future.



8.glut: n. 过度供应

9. developer: n. 开发者

10.shady deal : n. phr. 见不得人的交易

11. corrupt: adj. 腐败的

12. incompetent: adj. 无能的

13. uncertain: adj. 不确定的

[Chai Chang-Po, Migrant Worker]:

“I don’t know the arrangement for compensation for people working here, as there wasn’t even a contract termination letter. I don’t know whether we can get any compensation.”


One mainland worker was hoping to make enough to rebuild his house destroyed in the Sichuan earthquake.


[Xi Yong-Hwa, Migrant Worker]: “I feel very sad now; the financial crisis has hurt us really badly. We’ve lost our jobs and lost our income.”


While Macau has yet to see other major casino operators keel over, analysts say the dream here of transforming the Cotai strip into another Las Vegas may be put on hold.



14. contract: n. 合约

15. crisis: n. 危机

16. keel over: v. phr. 倾覆

17. transform: v. 改观; 改变

