


Eastern Europeans are World’s Saddest




STORY: These are Hungarians having a good time – apparently.


Hungary emerged among the three most miserable nations on a European happiness-sadness scale.


The pianist crooning his way through Gloomy Sunday is hitting the right note.


Ferenc Bakai says it’s a number that just brings out the sadder side in people.


Even the hit song’s composer who used to play here in the 1930s killed himself.



1. miserable: a. 悲惨

2. European: a.欧洲人的

3. pianist: n. 钢琴家

4. note: n.音符

5. composer: n.作曲家

[Ferenc Bakai, Pianist]: “It’s become a kind of national anthem of sadness. People at this restaurant aren’t usually sad but when they hear this song they feel a general sentiment of ‘why are others doing better when they’re no better than us?'”


This was meant to be an exhibition dedicated to the theme of happiness.


It’s concentration on the darker side of life appears to reflect Hungary’s position at the unhappy end of the survey of 19 European nations.



6. miserable: a. 悲惨

7. European: a.欧洲人的

8. pianist: n. 钢琴家

9. note: n.音符

10. composer: n.作曲家

11. anthem: n.国歌;赞美诗

12. sentiment: n.情绪

13. dedicate: v.致力于

14. concentration: n.集中

15. survey: n.调查

Only Russians and Bulgarians are even more gloomy.


Among the posters of newborn babies, one says: “Baby Marton was born

at last – will he inherit his grandfather’s high blood pressure and tendency

for diabetes?”


Another reads: “Szilvia Katalin was born – she’s happy now but nothing lasts for ever.”

另一张写道: “卡塔琳出生了──她现在很快乐,但世上没有永远的事。”

Psychologist Maria Kopp says there are reasons for Hungarian pessimism and depression. She said, “We’ve found it’s because of an increase in feelings of hostility, a so-called state of anomy when people don’t have goals or standards in their lives to abide by. They see their future as blank and hopeless.”



16. gloomy: adj. 忧郁

17. inherit: v. 遗传

18. diabetes: n. 糖尿病

19. pessimism: n. 悲观

20. hostility: n. 敌意

21. anomy: n. 失落感

22. to abide by: v.phr., 遵循

23. blank: adj. 空白的

[Annamaria, At Exhibition]:”People show their unhappiness in public when they complain about how badly they live, how oppressed they are and so on but it’s not true.”


[Jozsef Komoscsin, At Exhibition]:”Most people believe in happiness. We just disguise it well.”

约瑟夫在展览中说 :“大多数人觉得幸福,我们只是掩饰得很好。 ”

Sadly for Hungary its gloominess has worsened since the last survey of its kind was carried out three years ago.


The Danes and Swiss emerged with big smiley grins as the happiest Europeans.



24. oppressed: a. 受压迫的

25. disguise: v. 掩饰;假扮

26. worsen: v. 恶化

27. grin: n. 露齿而笑

