

Souls Awakened











The end of the year was nearer and nearer. Seeing both physical torture and frenzied brainwashing couldn’t make me renounce Dafa, the guards got more and more anxious.

The Third Brigade chief said to me, “Yiwen Tang! I really wish I could kick you out of here this instant! We no longer require you to write any guarantee of renouncing Falun Gong; as long as you make a copy of the short sample article we gave you, we’ll release you!”

A Third Brigade captain came into the cell and whispered into my ear, “If you don’t yield, there will be endless tortures waiting for you! You’ll die behind bars!”

And the Chatou chief said, “Said there are many talented people in Falun Gong. But we’ll ruin you all if you don’t listen to the CCP! If you don’t renounce Falun Gong in this forced labor camp, we’ll send you to Study Class (brainwashing gulags)! Still don’t renounce in Study Class, we’ll send you to prison! Our government has plenty of places to imprison you!”

I had known before being incarcerated, that Jiang Zemin had given orders to construct many prisons in remote, desolate regions, for imprisoning Dafa practitioners.

What choice should I make?

I couldn’t see the other fellow practitioners; I had no idea what choices they were making.

I had to make the choice by myself.
