
Souls Awakened
唐乙文 Yiwen Tang
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过去我不太明白为什么那么多中国人在“文革” 遭到中共迫害时,会以那么可怕的方式(比如上吊)结束自己的生命。








她们不许我上厕所, 更别提洗澡。我不停的流汗,全身湿透(那时是冬天),屋里充满汗味。















At 9:00p.m, 27th, the Third Brigade chief came into the cell, uncuffed me, and had two watching-inmates drag me into the “Room for Psychological Consultation”.

The room’s door and windows were shut, and the windowpanes were all covered up with old newspapers. In the room there was a double-deck bunk, a pair of handcuffs hanging on the iron bar of the bunk.

Seeing the Third Brigade chief stepping in, the four torturers in the room hurriedly brought her a chair and stood straight beside her on standby.

“Said you wanted to see me? What’s the business?” the chief asked me in a cynical tone.

“As a lawperson, why do you torture Dafa practitioners?” I asked her.

“When I studied in the Party School, the teachers there taught us, “It was not easy for us CCP to grab the power of this country; in order to uphold the power, we can do whatever it takes!”

Upon saying that, the chief cast the torturers a glance. One of them gave her a knowing nod in response. With that she left the room.

The tortures instantly shut the door, held me down on the floor, and bound up my arms and legs with a rope.

They placed a shabby quilt around me, saying it was for preventing me from striking my head against the floor to commit suicide when I couldn’t endure the pain. “Letting you die is too kind to you! We won’t let you die! We’ll torture you! Make you suffer!”

They brutally clutched my neck and struck my head against my bound-up legs.

Before, I couldn’t understand why so many Chinese people had taken their lives in various horrible ways (such as hanging themselves), when they were tortured by the CCP during the Cultural Revolution.

After experiencing the three days of torture personally, I came to fully understand.

Two of the torturers were Chatou inmates, who had taken and trafficked in drugs for over ten years, and were regular inmates of Chatou. They were evil and brutal, thereby were put in the Third Brigade the second they got to Chatou. Many inmates were scared of them. They looked utterly like men.

The other two torturers were, according to what the Chatou chief said when she came to the torture room the following day, “experts in dealing with Falun Gong, whom Chatou invited along from Beijing.”

The intense pain of the torture made me sweat heavily and dehydrate badly.

When I asked them to give me some water to drink, the torturers took out a bottle of thick chilli sauce, pried open my mouth and forced the sauce into my throat.

My throat and stomach instantly felt like they were on fire.

The torturers and two Third Brigade captains sat beside me chatting and laughing over snacks and sodas, delightfully watching me suffering.

When midnight came, the torturers took turns going to bed, but they didn’t let me close my eyes even for a second. “You dare close your eyes, we’re going to feed you more chilli sauce! Smear it on your eyes!”

They didn’t let me go to the toilet, let alone bath. I kept sweating and became sweat-soaked (It was winter then). The room smelled of sweat.

They opened up the door and windows.

Next door was the guards’ bathroom. As they walked to the bathroom via the torture room, the guards could all see me sitting on the floor, bound up, being tortured.

They all walked by indifferently.

In order to prevent me from voicing, the torturers wrapped layers of thick tape around my mouth, making my breathing so difficult I was nearly suffocated.

On the next day of the torture, the Chatou chief came to the room with a big bag of goodies for rewarding the torturers.

After she left, the torturers untied me and told me to stand up instantly.

I was stiff and aching badly all over. How could I possibly stand up?!

Then the torturers swore at me, beat me up, trod on my injured legs, brutally dragged me up from the floor, and kicked me in the part of the legs that had been injured most badly.

A while later, they rebound me up in the same way.

At the moment it dawned on me why they untied me: Once being untied, the feet and legs would hurt even more badly when getting rebound.

At noon of October 30, the third day of the torture, I was carried out of the torture room when I had been tortured to unconsciousness.

The pain of the three days’ torture could not be described in words.

It made me appreciate more profoundly: How evil one could become without a righteous faith and morality; how much the world needed Truth-Compassion-Tolerance; it was not enough that only we became kindhearted, we must spread Dafa and have more people become kindhearted, only then could the world become truly wonderful, safe, and peaceful.

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