

Souls Awakened









At 7:00 p.m., December 24, 2002, the Third Brigade chief came into the cell and told me to stand in the corner of the cell until I was willing to renounce Dafa.

She ordered the two watching-inmates in the cell to keep reading the CCP propaganda material loudly in my ear and not let me sit or sleep.

The minute I stood up from the tiny plastic stool I had been sitting on, my feet became swollen even worse and hurt like being cut by knives.

The cell was as glacial as an icehouse. The two watching inmates shivered with cold under the covers while sleeping. They took turns sitting beside me watching me, not letting me close my eyes.

As my feet became swollen worse, the severe inflammation caused frequent micturition, thereby I had to limp painfully to the plastic pail placed in another corner of the cell to urinate every ten minutes.

I recited Zhuan Falun in my heart unceasingly. Even when sleepiness, fatigue and pain were driving me to unconsciousness, my remaining consciousness was still reciting Zhuan Falun unceasingly.
