

New York, New Year Confetti Test




1. confetti: n. 五彩碎紙

2. float: v. 漂浮

3. flutter: v. 飄動、飄揚

4. gently: adv. 輕輕地;和緩地;

5. clump: v. 使成一堆、一團

6. descend: v. 下降

It’s an essential part of the New Year’s Eve celebration in Times Square… the colorful confetti — that is. In the heart of Times Square, the decoration is tested on Tuesday to make sure it floats, flutters, and falls gently to the ground.


The test is one of the events leading up to New Year’s Eve festivities in Times Square, which are expected to draw a crowd of about one million.


[Tim Tompkins, Times Square Alliance President]:

“It flew very well. It didn’t clump. It’s very important that it’s all cut and it’s all lightweight. We had some very strong winds today so it flew down to 42nd Street in a matter of seconds.”


A new tradition for the New Year’s Eve celebration organizers is the Confetti Wishing Wall.


This is the third year people will be able to write down their wish for the new year on a piece of confetti that’s mixed in with the remaining 3,000 pounds of confetti that falls on the crowd in Times Square on New Year’s Eve.


[Tim Tompkins, Times Square Alliance President]:

“The New Year is about new beginnings and hope for a better future.”


People from all over the world have written their wishes for the new year in 20 different languages.


[Irene Nazarenko, Tourist from Ukraine]:

“For the new year, I want happiness and health to my family and to all good people in the world.”

[Irene Nazarenko, 來自烏克蘭的觀光客]:「對於新的一年,我想要我的家人與世界所有的好人幸福與健康!」

[Maria Wieder, Tourist from Austria]:

“I wished that my dad can walk again, because he is very sick and he’s gonna be healthy again.”

[Maria Wieder, 來自澳洲的觀光客]:「我許願我父親再度能夠走路,因為他病的很重,希望他將會再度健康!」

According to the organizers, hundreds of thousands of individual confetti pieces will descend to Times Square on New Year’s Eve.


