

HK Chefs Await NTD’S Cooking Competition



1.chef: n. 廚師

2. come up: v.phr. 開始、發生

3. celebrity: n. 名人

4. affordable: adj. 買得起的

Anchor: In a little but well-known restaurant in Hong Kong, chefs : are excited…something big is coming up: . Our Hong Kong team brings us the story.


STORY: Many celebrities: and movie stars in Hong Kong say the Dongbao Xiaochu restaurant serves the best traditional Cantonese food in town… and at affordable: prices.


Chef Xiaogao explains the establishment’s success. “When you treat every guest as treating yourself, you can make a good dish.


5. cuisine: : n. 料理

6. to take part in: : v.phr. 參加

7. profound study: : 高深的學問

8. merit: : n. 優點

Chef Xiaogao has been cooking Cantonese cuisine : for ten years now, but still thinks he has a lot to learn. And NTD’s cooking competition is the perfect opportunity. 廚師小高已經做廣東菜十年了,但仍然覺得他有很多要學。並且新唐人的烹飪大賽是最棒的機會。

[Xiaogao]: “Surely, I want to take part in: the competition. I think that cooking is a profound study: . Learning should be endless so I must learn from others’ merits: and find out my own mistakes.” 廚師小高說:「當然,我想要參加大賽,我認為烹飪是一件很深的學問。學習應該是無止盡的,所以我必須從別人的優點裡學習,並且找到我自己的錯誤。」

9. delicious: : adj. 可口的

10. sour: : adj. 酸的

11. sauce: : n. 醬料

According to the restaurant’s owner, the more traditional the food the tastier it is. “The traditional Cantonese cuisine is always more delicious: . Mixed dishes are not good. You don’t even know what it is.”


Chef Xiaogao shows us how to make sweet and sour: meat – that’s the dish he will be cooking at the competition. But the secret, he says, lies in the sauce: . 小高廚師秀給我們看如何製作甜美又酸酸的肉─這是他將在大賽中烹飪的項目。但他說,秘密存在於醬料中。」

12. plum: : n. 梅子

13. vinegar: : n. 醋

14. preliminary: : adj. 初步的

[Xiaogao]: “The most important factor is the sauce. We made the sweet and sour sauce with hawthorn, plum: , vinegar: , sugar tablets, and tomato juice. It’s better than the mixture of ordinary vinegar and sugar. It tastes much better.” 廚師小高說:「最重要是醬料,我們用山楂、梅子、醋、糖粒、茄汁來調配,很多人用普通醋和糖,但我覺得味道不是這麼好。」

The Asia Pacific competition preliminary : will be held on September 20-21 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.




