



烈日当空,夏日正盛。“好热!”这话到处可以听到。是热呀!好多人前往游泳。游 泳正是这季节里最热门的事。

其实,游泳不只是浸凉而已,它更有积极的意义。它是一种很好的运动,是广及全身 的。想想,当一个人进入水里游泳,有哪一部分不浸到水?有哪一部分不在运动?不 管是蛙式、蝶式、仰式、自由式,甚至狗爬式,甚至只浸在水里不动,都能获得运动 的效益,都能尝到游泳的美味。

水有水性,人有其重量,不懂水性,下水必沉;但是如何使其不但下水不沉,反而浮 而能游?这岂止是口说为凭的事?没有下过水的游泳教练,说得头头是道,下水仍然 必沉必溺。所以必需下水,实际去游,去经验。学什么东西,实际去做,去经验,是 最重要的工夫。一回生,二回熟,渐渐地便学会了。至于错误,那是免不了的,没什 么好怕。学习本来就是尝试错误的历程;如果能由错误中得到经验,达到成功,那又 何乐不为?

游泳去!夏热时候,大家是最喜欢去游泳的了。但游泳不只是浸在水里消暑而已,它 更有积极的意义。我们去游泳,是要追求这意义。

Let’s go Swimming     Hsu ChiCheng

“Let’s go swimming!”


Here is the raging sun, the summer is vigorous. “Great hot!” We can hear this word everywhere. It’s certain hot! There are many persons go to swimming. Swimming is just the most popular thing in this season.

In fact, swimming isn’t just to soak and cool self, it has the positive meaning. It’s a good exercise, is extensive to whole body. May you think, when a person enter the water to swim, is there which part of the body not soak to the water? Is there which part of the body is not in exercise? No matter breaststroke, butterfly stroke, backstroke, freestyle swimming, even dog paddle, even only soak within the water without move, will obtain benefit of the exercise, will taste the flavour of the swimming.

There is the characteristics of the current, and there is the weight of the person, if one ignores of the characteristics, he will be sunk; how to free from sinking into the water only, on the contrary to float on the water to swim? Is it only relies on the matter of verbal expressions? The swim coach instructor explains clear and convincing, he’ll surely sink and dead still while he enters the water. So one must enters the water to swim, to experience. To do reality and experience is the most important work while you learn something. Difficult at first but easy later on, then you’ll do it well slowly. As to mistake, it can’t escape, no any fear of. Learning originally is the course of trying the mistake; what’s the sense of not doing it while we can obtain experience from mistake?

Let’s go swimming! In the hot time of summer, we all like most to go to swim. However, swim is not only to soak within the water to fade away the hot summer, it has more positive meaning. We pursue this meaning while we go to swim.@
