

Southeast Australia On Flood Alert





1. alert: n. 警報

2. peak: n. 高峰

3. property: n. 房產、資產

4. evacuate: v. 撤離、疏散

5. convince: v. 說服

6. keep one’s finger’s crossed: ph. 祈求好運

7. comfort: v. 安慰

8. pledge: n. 承諾

9. in the wake of: ph. 尾隨而至

Flood waters continued to rise on Monday in several towns in southeast Australia due to heavy rainfall over the weekend.


Several river levies broke, causing floods which reached the highest recorded level in 15 years.


Areas across northeast Victoria are reported to remain on high alert as over a thousand area residents expect flood waters to reach their peak on Tuesday.


The Australian Associated Press reported that hundreds of properties have already been evacuated in central Victorian towns and other rescue efforts are underway as authorities monitor the situation.


[State Emergency Service Member]:

“The SES and the Australian defence force are currently door-knocking residents of around 400 properties.”



In some cases, it’s difficult to convince residents to leave their homes for safety.


[Unidentified Resident]:

“I’ve got a couple of cats, I’ve got my stuff in there and it’s fingers crossed.”

[身份不明的居民] :

“我有幾隻貓,我有東西留在那裡,祈禱災難很快過去。 “

As many are evacuated, and others remain on standby for evacuation, rescue workers are comforted that no more rain is forecast for Tuesday.


The flood victims have already received pledges for financial assistance from the State and Federal governments in the wake of the disaster.

