


Rollercoaster Ride for USA Markets



1. Rollercoaster: /roʊlərkoʊstər/ n. 雲霄飛車

2. solace: [ˋsɑlɪs] n. 安慰、慰藉

3. upbeat: [ˋʌp͵bit] 令人樂觀的

4. euro zone :n.phr. 歐元區

5. sovereign: [ˋsɑvrɪn] adj. 主權的

6. upcoming: [ˋʌp͵kʌmɪŋ]

Wall Street’s wild swings continued on Thursday- the Dow posting a more than 2 percent gain.

週四華爾街瘋狂的盪鞦韆仍持續著─ ─道瓊開出超過2%的漲勢。

A better than expected labor market report and upbeat results from Cisco helping to lift stocks.


But on the streets of Manhattan, market watchers took little solace in Thursday’s early gains:


[John Torturo, Manager in the Transportation Industry]:

“It’s not fun. That’s for sure. It’s not fun. It’s a rollercoaster ride without the fun involved in it.”


[Frank Pimpinella, Works on Wall Street]:

“It’s ridiculous. It’s one day it’s up for 500, then it’s down. It’s up. I’m not sure what the markets going to do, but it’s all in Europe. Europe’s our problem, I believe. So, anybody’s guess how it’s going to go today.”


Europe is indeed a worry. Markets have been beaten down most recently on concerns about the French banking system’s exposure to troubled euro zone sovereign debt. But talk of an upcoming meeting between France and Germany, Europe’s two biggest economies, are giving European markets a lift, and is another factor in Wall Street’s early surge.


