Discover Canada

加拿大公民入籍考試:第四章歷史 (4)


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The War of 1812

美國獨立後,在發展上經常受到英國的限制,尤其是 the Battle of Trafalgar (1805) 一役,英國擊敗拿破崙的艦隊後成為海上強國,美國的船隻常受到英國的干擾。對於這些事,美國早已懷恨在心,他們相信攻打加拿大是比較容易的,於是趁著英國忙於歐洲戰事時,對加拿大發動攻擊,當時加拿大只有 Canadian volunteers, First Nation 以及在加拿大英國的士兵一起抵抗美軍,英國直到滑鐵盧戰役擊敗拿破崙後才將兵力移往加拿大。

戰事延燒多處,包括大西洋、大湖地區和加拿大邊境、美國海岸、及美國南部州。大事包括美國燒毀英國會大樓 The Americans burned Government House and the Parliament Buildings in York (now Toronto),而英國燒毀美國白宮以示報復(In retaliation in 1814, the British burned down the White House and other public buildings in Washington, D.C)。

戰爭最後是在簽屬合約 the Treaty of Ghent 後停戰,現今的美加邊界有部分是戰爭留下的結果,而它最重要的意義:The present-day Canada-U.S. border is partly and outcome of the War of 1812, which ensured that Canada would remain independent of the United States.(非記不可!)

Rebellions of 1837-38

美國獨立戰爭(American Revolutionary War (1775–1783) or the American War of Independence)及 The War of 1812 後,獨立和民主的觀念也衝擊著加拿大,事實上在 the Beginnings of Democracy 這一段已見端倪,有人覺得民主的腳步太慢,甚至建議學習或加入美國。1837-1838 叛亂者因不成氣候而逃亡或被絞死,但也引起英國方面的注意,在 Lord Durham 調查叛亂的報告中建議 Upper and Lower Canada be merged and given responsible government.

在 Responsible Government 中有四個重點:
1. In 1840, Upper and Lower Canada were united as the Province of Canada.
2. The first British North American colony to attain full responsible government was Nova Scotia in 1847-48.
3. This (Responsible Government) is the system that we have today: if the government loses a confidence vote in the assembly it must resign.
4. La Fontaine, a champion of democracy and French language rights, became the first leader of a responsible government in the Canadas.@


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