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組圖:74屆美国金球奖女星红毯造型欣赏 (二)

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【大紀元2017年01月09日訊】74届金球獎頒獎禮1月8日晚上在美国加州洛杉矶比佛利山(Beverly Hills)舉行。金球獎(Golden Globe Awards)是美國的一個電影與電視獎項,以正式晚宴的方式舉行,舉辦方是好萊塢外國記者協會(Hollywood Foreign Press Association, HFPA)。此獎從1944年起,每年舉辦一次。當晚,明星雲集,彩裝薈萃。

Actress Judith Light arrives at the 74th Annual Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills, California, U.S., January 8, 2017.  REUTERS/Mike Blake - RTX2Y0J6
女星 Judith Light(REUTERS/Mike Blake)
Actress Drew Barrymore arrives at the 74th Annual Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills, California, U.S., January 8, 2017.  REUTERS/Mike Blake - RTX2Y0JJ
女星Drew Barrymore(REUTERS/Mike Blake)
Actress Michelle Williams arrives at the 74th Annual Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills, California, U.S., January 8, 2017.  REUTERS/Mike Blake - RTX2Y0K8
女星Michelle Williams(REUTERS/Mike Blake)
Country singer Carrie Underwood arrives at the 74th Annual Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills, California, U.S., January 8, 2017.   REUTERS/Mike Blake - RTX2Y0KR
鄉村歌手 Carrie Underwood(REUTERS/Mike Blake)
Actress Janelle Monae arrives at the 74th Annual Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills, California, U.S., January 8, 2017.  REUTERS/Mike Blake - RTX2Y0MI
女星Janelle Monae(REUTERS/Mike Blake)
Actress Jessica Chastain arrives at the 74th Annual Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills, California, U.S., January 8, 2017.  REUTERS/Mike Blake - RTX2Y0Y9
女星Jessica Chastain(REUTERS/Mike Blake)
Actress Reese Witherspoon arrives at the 74th Annual Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills, California, U.S., January 8, 2017.  REUTERS/Mike Blake - RTX2Y0YP
女星 Reese Witherspoon(REUTERS/Mike Blake)
Actress Olivia Culpo arrives at the 74th Annual Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills, California, U.S., January 8, 2017.  REUTERS/Mike Blake - RTX2Y14C
女星Olivia Culpo( REUTERS/Mike Blake )

