遙寄給獄中李祥春的信 (附英文原文)










December 24, 2003

Dear Charles,

It has been almost a year since you left us for China. We have heard about you from time to time in the past eleven months. Many of us did not know you before, but we were all deeply touched by your courage and selflessness upon learning the reason why you went to China. Later, we learned that you suffered quite a lot, including being physically abused and mentally tortured at the hands of Jiang’s regime, which has no tolerance for and deep fear of our peaceful, benevolent principles. We are again deeply impressed by your courage and perseverance – when we learned that you wrote the 106-page-appeal when your hands were cuffed, and when your winter clothes were smelling but the police would not allow you to change. Charles, we are all very proud of you.

Charles, you know what, so many things happened in the past year: the proposed legislation under Article 23 in Hong Kong was postponed indefinitely when half million Hong Kong people went on the streets to voice their concerns and desires for a free and prosperous Hong Kong. Beginning last July 1, the TV station which tells the real situation in China began its global coverage. In September, the Global Coalition to Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice was established in Washington, D.C., and Jiang has been sued in the U.S., Spain, Belgium, Germany, and Taiwan. More lawsuits are to come. Yes, like you, we all believe that justice will prevail – it is just a matter of time.

We have been trying our best to let more kind-hearted American people know about your plight. Together with Yeong-ching, we have had many press conferences and visited many offices of elected officials. A cross-America van tour took place in August and September. Numerous people have learned about your story in the past year and many promised to let their friends know too. Yes, Charles, you are not alone. We are all together with you.

It has been a tough year for Yeong-ching. The good news is that she has been tempered in this test and is becoming more and more mature.

Together with Yeong-ching, we all look forward to the day that we will welcome you home with flowers and applause. We believe that day is not long much longer.

Falun Gong practitioners of Washington DC



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