

Indian Zoo Celebrates Elephant





1. participate in: [pɑrˋtɪsə͵pet] [ɪn] ph. 参加

2. awareness: [əˋwɛrnɪs]n. 意识、察觉

3. conserve: [kənˋsɝv] v. 保护

4. attraction: [əˋtrækʃənn. 吸引力

5. adorn with: ph. 装饰

6. jumbo: [ˋdʒʌmbon. 庞然大物

7. roam: [rom] v. 漫游(步)

8. comprehensive: [͵kɑmprɪˋhɛnsɪv] adj. 综合的

9. census: [ˋsɛnsəs] n. 统计数

10. steep: [stip] adj. 急剧升降

11. encroachment: [ɪnˋkrotʃmənt] n. 侵占

12. infrastructure: [ˋɪnfrə͵strʌktʃɚ n. 基础建设

On Monday, visitors and school children participated in “Elephant Day” at a local zoo in Orissa, India.


[Sudershan Panda, Nandankanan Zoological Park]:

“The main objective of celebrating ‘Elephant Day’ is to create awareness among the public, including the students, about how to conserve the big animal.”


[Sudershan Panda, Nandankanan Zoological Park]Nandankanan动物园Sudershan Panda说:

The main attraction was two orphan elephant calves, ‘Chandan’ and ‘Anant’ who were rescued by the zoo when they were just three-months-old.


Adorned with special costumes, the jumbos were offered bananas and coconuts.


[Subhashree Sahoo, Visitor]:

“By celebrating this day we feel very happy and we enjoy it a lot. We also get an opportunity to give them food.”

[Subhashree Sahoo, Visitor]游客Subhashree说:


The event is part of Wildlife Week that began on October 2nd.


Home to 50 thousand wild Asian elephants a century ago, India had just over 26 thousand jumbos roaming in its national parks and forests in 2002. However, the first comprehensive elephant census published in 2005 showed a steep drop in the numbers to just over 21 thousand.

一世纪前,印度是5万只野生亚洲象的居住地,2002年,印度只有 26,000多只巨型象,漫步在国家公园和森林里。然而,2005年第一次发表的大象全面统计显示,大象数量急剧下降,只有 21,000多只。

Most of India’s elephants live in protected forest reserves spread across 14 states from north to south of the country, but even these elephants are under pressure from human encroachment and infrastructure development activities.



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本专栏由前卫英语David Lee主编 www.davidlee.url.tw