

Souls Awakened









The guards forced me to sit on a tiny plastic stool reading the CCP propaganda material in the cell all day long. From a tiny hole on the iron door, they peeked to see if I and Yu were doing as they ordered in the cell every now and again.

I never took a glance at the propaganda material, just sat on the tiny plastic stool reciting Zhuan Falun in my heart.

The torture had made me understand a lot.

A ray of sunlight beamed through the cell window occasionally. I placed my disabled right leg beneath the precious sunbeam.

The guards all held up umbrellas shielding themselves against the hot sun as they walked past the yard. I did the same before being incarcerated.

After being locked in this dark cell without being able to see the sun and sky day after day after day, I for the first time felt that sunlight was so precious.

I told myself: After getting out, I must treasure sunlight, treasure and appreciate all the Heaven-bestowed blessings that we had taken for granted amidst comfortable living.
