




是了,這是一名農夫在用鋤頭寫詩了:一個字,一個詞,一個標點符號,相互結合、 融貫,成為片語、詩行、詩節……。他要創造一首詩。







Write Poems with Hoe  Hsu ChiCheng

I found a farmer wrote poems with a hoe that afternoon; and the creator wrote poems on his body.

On the countryside, he raised the hoe, hoed down, raised the hoe once again, hoed down…

He hoes a hoe and another hoe. The soil is loosed, smashed, be in ditches, in ridges… from bits to lines, from lines to ranges…

Yes, it’s a farmer in writing poems with the hoe: one word, one phrase, one punctuation mark, ties, blends, into idiom, phrase, line, stanza, section…He wants to create a poem.

He wants to create a poem—idyll.

The more wonderful thing is, it’s not think of that the creator writes poems on his body.

Lo! His flesh is so stout so healthy and strong, projecting where it’s ought to projecting, hollow where it’s ought to hollow, clear in the line, curvy, well-balanced; his skin is bronzed, is shining under the sunshine. It’s originally a poem, add to his wielding the hoe ceaselessly, sweat streaming on his body, forms a piece of tableau of alive, is more a poem—a poem of moving poem, a poem of force!

He raised the hoe, hoed down, raised the hoe once again, hoed down…

He hoed a hoe and another hoe…

He is a farmer. On the countryside, he writes poems with hoe, and the creator writes poems on his body. @
