

Hong Kong Holds Elections



1.opposition : n. 反對黨

2.election : n. 選舉

3.influence : n. 影響

4.colony : n. 殖民地

5.poll : n. 投票結果

6.communist : n. 共產黨

7.candidate : n. 候選人

8.canvass : v. 拉票

9.swing voters : n. 搖擺的選民


Hong Kong’s opposition pro-democracy parties gained a surprise victory in elections over the weekend. They now have enough seats to have some influence over future political reforms in the former British colony .




Sunday’s polls were the most fiercely fought since Hong Kong changed to communist rule in 1997. A record number of candidates were out in the city with banners canvassing last minute swing voters . 週日(9/7)的選舉是香港自1997年改為共黨統治以來最激烈的一戰,候選人走上街頭在最後一分鐘向中間選民拉票。


10.surge : n. 上揚

11.nationalism : n. 國家主義

12.constituency : n. 選舉區

13.activist : n. 活動人士

14.veteran : n. 老手

15.retain : v. 保留

Despite party infighting and a surge in post-Olympic nationalism the democrats managed to win 21 out of the 60 seats. They got 19 of the 30 directly elected seats and at least two seats in functional constituencies … seats traditionally dominated by pro-CCP forces. 儘管黨內內鬥與奧運後民族主義的上揚,民主黨設法在60個席次中贏得21席。直接選舉30席,他們贏了19席,有效選區至少二席,傳統上是由親共勢力所把持。

Activist lawmaker Leung Kwok-hung won re-election, and veteran democratic lawmaker Emily Lau retained her seat.



16. backwards : adv. 後退

17. uphold : v. 悍衛

18. suffrage : n. 投票

19. water down 緩和

20. leash : n. 控制

[Emily Lau, Elected Legislator]:

“Hong Kong cannot go backwards . We have gone backwards -democracy, human rights and the rule of law. So now that I am back in, I’m going to uphold these core values. And I don’t think the Hong Kong people don’t want them, it’s just that the powers that be do not want us to talk about it.”


The Democrats have been pressuring Beijing’s communist leaders to allow direct polls as promised in the city’s Basic Law. But the CCP has only allowed universal suffrage in 2017, a move the pro-democracy parties fear will be watered down .


Since 1997, the Chinese regime has kept Hong Kong on a tight political leash . 自1997統治以來,中國對香港一直採嚴格的政治控制。



