

Europe Welcomes 2011




1. dawn: [dɔn] n. 黎明

2. reveler: [ˋrɛvlɚ] n. 狂欢者

3. flock: [flɑk] v. 群集

4. iconic: [aɪˋkɑnɪk] adj. 偶象的、形象的

5. in its own right: phr. 就本身而言

6. fantastic : [fænˋtæstɪk] adj. 奇妙的、了不起的

7. stroke : [strok] n. 钟声响起

2011 came in with a bang as the clock struck midnight in London.


Hundreds of thousands turned out to witness the dawn of the New Year and a ten minute fireworks show to welcome it.


In France revellers flocked to one of the world’s most iconic landmarks to mark the occasion but some thought the lights alone weren’t quite enough.


[Mobin, tourist]:

“Well I was actually expecting some fireworks but this is great in its own right, it’s great. Fireworks would have been a bit more but this is fantastic.”


Estonia had a double reason to mark the arrival of 2011.


On the stroke of midnight it became the 17th nation to join the euro zone.

当午夜的钟声响起, 爱沙尼亚成为第17个国家加入欧元区。

It’s the first former Soviet state to adopt the single European currency to mixed reactions from revellers.



“Prices go up. Well, it’s gone already. That’s the truth and we can’t change it.”



“All people were very afraid about the euro but now it’s the first day I don’t know. I think it will go normal.”


Not all of Estonia is celebrating the switch to the single currency.

Opponents say it’s like getting the last ticket for the Titanic.



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今天说文解字部分,我们来讲讲currency货币这个字。-cur这个字根是脚的动作,意思是“跑, to run”的意思,所以cursor叫游标,current是河流,currency是货币;游标、河流、货币是不是都一直在跑啊?

透过-cur,我们还可以学到occur是发生(to run against),incur是招致(to run into,闭门家中座,祸从天上来),recur是复发(to run again)。

Estonia则是欧洲的国名,还记得地理、历史上读过的波罗的海三小国吗?就是爱沙尼亚、拉托维亚(Latvija)、立陶宛(Lithuania)。那么大家知道“波罗的海”的英文怎么说吗?就是The Baltic Sea。这些重要地名、国名的英文,英文阅读时同样也是很重要喔!

第一次世界大战后,爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚和立陶宛脱离俄罗斯(Russia)独立,到1940年又被苏联(Soviet Union)吞并,成为加盟共和国。1990年之后相继脱离苏联独立,2004年成为北约(NATO)及欧盟(EU, European Union)成员国。

不只是国名,货币名称也是很重要喔,欧洲本来有很多种货币,比如英国用英磅(pound, sterling)、法国用法郎(franc)、德国用马克(mark)、意大利用里拉(lira)等等,但欧盟自2002年1月1日开始发行欧元(Euro),形成单一货币欧元区,至今已快届十个年头了。

这一则新闻就是提到爱沙尼亚获准于2011年加入欧元区,成为第17个成员国。值得一提的是,英国并未加入欧元区,因此还是使用英磅(pound, sterling),符号是 £。

本专栏由前卫英语David Lee主编 www.davidlee.url.tw