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然而,继1936年德国曾借着奥运会的效应成功地掩盖了其法西斯本质之后,她再一次受到了空前严峻的考验。而您在2002年4月的一次表态似乎已经解决了这个问题;您强调:“国际奥委会将尽其所能确保人权获得尊重……如果他们未能遵守解善人权的承诺,可能会失去二00八年奥运的举办权……我们深信奥运会使中国的人权获得解善。国际奥委会是一个负责任的组织……我们将会有所行动。”这番话使广大因奥运而遭到“厄运”的弱势群体(如千百万不愿加入爱国(党)教会而在自己家里聚会的基督徒,锻炼身体的百姓,求生的小贩,被强行拆迁的北京市民等等)看到了正义的曙光,人格的力量!人们纷纷赞您为奥运精神的捍卫者、真正的人权卫士!我们也紧接着于5月2日就中国借迎接奥运之名秘密印发机密文件,侵犯人权的证据给您写信,您的办公厅主任Christophe DE KEPPER先生替您回信表示:“信中的内容已得到适时的注意,并且将会进一步研究”。对此我深表敬意!

目前,鉴于中国人权记录每况愈下的事实,这次给您写信,将提供新的官方证据及中国持续侵犯人权的真相,并再次引用和论及此类文件对中国人的宗教自由所构成的非常严重的威胁 !该文件全文于下:

机密 吉 林 省 公 安 厅 文件














根据我们从2000年秋开始,由两万多名基督徒对中国22省207个大小城市及无数个乡村的56万多名家庭教会基督徒所进行的走访调查(由于很多人怕说或不说,故只能是一个不够完全的,低于实际受害人数的保守数字),以实证资料统计出来的数字显示:中国自改革开放以来,在陆千万以上的家庭教会信徒中至少有270万人被任意拘捕过(即每22人中就有一个)、 44万人被判劳改劳教、 750人被通缉追捕、20 万人被迫离家外逃或失踪、1万多人被迫害致死、2万多人被酷刑至残、13万人被监视居住、112万人被勒索性罚款。

很显然:今日中国宗教迫害的力度及广度已明显地超过了已往传统的政治迫害。我们的网站: , . 上有更多旨在阴谋迫害宗教信徒的国家机密及真相;而且,从去年十月下旬至今我们每天公布一起警察任意拘捕,勒索及毒打信徒的“合法犯罪”事件。为进一步说明,将几幅基督徒冒着坐牢及生命危险才送出来的反映家庭教会基督徒被残害致死,被迫藏进地道、山洞、密林与旷野里聚会的照片及官方证据:中国河北省保定市(2002年8月)“为迎接党的十六大胜利召开,创造良好的社会环境”而“制止基督教非法活动的”文件,以及针对天主教的绝密文件(2002年6月)等一并送上。其中对“……境外神职人员调查工作的通知”(2002年7月)也应引起国际社会的注意:因为没有隐藏在各地人群中秘密力量的配合,单在中国境内是根本无法开展此类调查的。






经上说:“你们要纪念那些被囚禁的,好像跟他们一起被囚禁;也要纪念那些受虐待的人,好像你们也亲自受过。” 现在不是看不到真相,乃是真相大白。我们期待着您落实上述的讲话,对中国政府在摩天大搂的背后所进行的残酷宗教迫害,严重侵犯人权,危害人类的事实“有所行动”。



中国宗教迫害真相调查委员会 主席 李 世 雄 敬呈

2003年2月17日 于 纽约

From: Shixiong Li, President

To: Dr. Jacques Rogge, President
International Olympic Committee
Chateau de Vidy, 1007 Lausanne

Date: February 7, 2003

Dear Respected President of International Olympic Committee Dr. Rogge:

The Olympic Games has been the token of peace and friendship since its first game in 1896. The Olympic fire has already become the everlasting fire for passing the human kind wishes for a brighter future.

However, the Olympics is now again being seriously challenged since the Nazi Germany utilized her to cover its horrible nature of Nazism. It seems that this challenged was dissolved when you marked in last April. You emphasized, “we are convinced that the Olympics Games will improve human rights in China… However the IOC is a responsible organization and if either security, logistics or human rights are not acted upon to our satisfaction then we will act”. Your remark gave a big hope of justice for those weak groups (such as house church believers who refuse to join the governmental-controlled patriotic churches, street vendors, Beijing residents forced to move) who were doomed because of the China’s preparation for hosting the Olympic Games. You are esteemed as the fighter for the Olympic Spirit and human rights. On May 2nd last year, we wrote to you to tell you the solid evidence – the secret Chinese official documents – of the abuse of human rights by the Chinese government under the name to prepare for the Olympic Games. Your Chief of Staff, Mr. Christophe DE Kepper wrote us back on your behalf saying, “the content of your letter has been duly noted and will be studied accordingly.” Your reply is highly appreciated.

At present, China’s human rights record is getting from bad to worse. Attached with this letter, we provide you with more evidence about the Chinese government’s abuse of human rights. I cite one of the documents here to show its great threat towards the religious freedom. The whole document follows:

Confidential Document
The Public Security Bureau of Jilin Province, Supreme
People’s Court of Jilin Province

Announcement on Severely Cracking Down on Illegal Organizations
To Every Public Security Bureau and People’s Courts in Every City, County (Districts):

According to relevant regulations by the State Council Ministry of Public Security and the Supreme People’s Court, and in order to host a better and successful Olympics in 2008 in our country, to stabilize the social security order, to severely crackdown on illegal gatherings, assemblies and other activities disturbing the security of peace, the following special announcement is hereby made:

1) All those gathered in groups of three or more people that do not obey the suggestions (of the government) are subject to fifteen (15) or less days detention and 1000 RMB (equal to $120 US dollars);
2) To those who attend large gatherings, protests or lectures and who do not show any remorse are subject to maximum of three years sentence and 10,000 RMB fine (equal 1,200 US dollars);

3) The heads and organizers of the illegal organizations should be punished severely and should be arrested first before making up the other arrest procedures (warrants);

4) To any practitioners and instigators of Falun Gong, the degree of punishment should increase. Once they are found, they should be arrested first before making up the other arrest procedures (warrants);

5) This campaign will last from May 20, 2000 until December 30th, 2007.

The whole world knows that China was not awarded the Olympics until July 13th, 2001. However, the Chinese government had issued the above order fourteen months in advance. What does this tell us? What concerns us most is that Olympics, the symbol of human peace and hope in the past more than hundred years, has suddenly become a threatening sword hanging above the twenty million people in that area in the seven plus years since the issue of the secret document. Further more, since it is “according to relevant regulations by the State Council Ministry of Public Security and the Supreme People’s Court”, all Chinese are living under the horrible sword to welcome the Olympics. No body knows that how many have been arrested or fined due to “illegally interfering the Olympics which Beijing will host in five years. However, the facts will tell the world that with the further success in international relationships, the Chinese government will be more confident and legitimatised to use the Olympics as a bloody sword to publicly violate the Chinese human rights.

It is worth to remember that Hitler, the No. one criminal of the World War II, who had killed tens of millions, had presided over two Olympic opening ceremonies, utilizing the Olympics to deceive the world. During these games, the athletes holding the torch had to not only run through the streets guarded by the armed Nazi soldiers but also light the Olympic fire in front of the display of the Nazi army at the stadium full of the Nazi symbols. This indicated the international acceptance of Hitler and the Nazism. Thereafter, the anti-Nazi movement became more and more isolated. And even most ordinary people started to welcome the Nazi. People opposing the Nazi became the target of the public. It is very obvious that Olympics had been a very effective tool for the Nazi to deceive the world. But who should take the responsibility for such a historical tragedy?

Therefore, we suggest you establish a final checking system for hosting the Olympics, and set up a “Committee for Final Checking the Eligibility for Hosting Olympics and Human Rights”. The committee members should have the freedom and privilege to enter into the elected country without any limitation to visit any mistreated person imprisoned or waiting to be executed, so that the final decision can be made with full respect to human dignity and full responsibility for human course, so that the Olympic image as well as the human rights will be carefully and well protected. The centurial tragedy of the Olympics being used to deceive the world should not happen again.

The old Nazi tried to gain so called “survival space” by killing foreigners; the present Nazi – the Chinese Communists – is trying to obtain their goals by slaving their own people with the excuse of “internal affairs” and by poisoning the foreigners’ conscience. This soul-winning strategy using interests and money without fire smoke and bayonets will surely destroy the whole civilization world because it will destroy the foundations of all human conscience and erode human souls. As the consequence, the evil power will prevail over the righteousness and the whole world will become the current China where morality is just for propaganda but not for practice.

The Chinese Communist regime took the success of joining the World Trade Organization and winning the 2008’s Olympics as the awards from the international society. Therefore, instead of loosing religion persecution, they have taken the advantages of these events to further the persecution course. These persecution facts may shock you because tens of millions of the house church believers are not protected by Article 36 of the Chinese Constitution, which guarantees religious freedom for its citizens. Instead, they are silently struggling for survive under the numerous horrible “state secret documents”.

Starting in the fall of year 2000, we have mobilized about 20,000 Christians in China to visit and interview over 560,000 house church believers in 207 cities in 22 provinces. According to our investigation, it can be estimated that since the opening of China in early 1980s’, among over 60 million house church believers, 2,700,000 have been arbitrarily arrested, 440,000 sentenced to labor reform, 200,000 forced to flee from home, 10,000 tortured to death, 20,000 permanently disabled due to torture, 750 publicly wanted, 130,000 under house arrest and 1,120,000 heavily fined. We are sure that these numbers are conservative, because many who were interviewed dare not speak out because of the fear of further persecution.

It is quite obvious that the religious persecution in China exceeds traditional political persecution both in severity and scope. Our websites www.china21.org and www.religiousfreedomforchina.org carry a lot more information about the persecution facts and the related governmental secret documents. Since October 2002, we have been reporting every day a new case about the Chinese police to persecute believers by arresting, extorting or brutally torturing. To illustrate the truth, we are presenting to you some photographs and several Chinese governmental documents carried out of China by some Christians risking their lives. The photographs show the house church Christians tortured to death, or forced to meet underground, in caves, dense forests or the wilderness. The Chinese governmental documents presented here include

· The Notice from the Public Security Bureau of Baoding City about Printing and Distributing Implementation Plan to Launch a Basic Investigation on Targeted Catholics (Document No.134).
· The Notice From The Public Security Bureau of Baoding City about Printing and Distribution of Working Plan to Prevent the Illegal Christian Activities (Document No. 139)
· The Notice From the Religious Affair Department, the Public Security Bureau of Baoding City, about Running a Thorough Investigation on the City’s Overseas Religious Workers (Document No. 73).

We think that Document No. 73 should cause special attention from the international society. Without the collaboration of the Chinese governmental overseas “secret force”, it is impossible to have such investigation done inside the Chinese territory.

What should make us worry is that after the cold war, mankind seems having lost directions and the traditional values have been seriously challenged. The boundary between friends and enemies are becoming more and more fuzzy, and the interests are getting more and more important. The leaders of mankind have gradually lost their moral responsibility. But the war never stops: just trade and market have replaced the bullets and battlefield. The flood of interests has destroyed the moral standards – money has become the only motivation and the only norm for human life. Back several years ago, the evil power could prevail only in few communist countries. However, nowadays, the Chinese Communists not only have successfully established or helped to establish state terrorism in China, North Korea, Vietnam, and other countries, but also have extended such evil power to every corner of the world. This is not only a great tragedy for the Chinese people but also an sorrow for the human righteousness. Does such success of state terrorism indicate the mainstream of mankind walking astray?

At the beginning of the 21st century, the world is concentrating on anti-terrorism against just small groups, but dare not to touch super-terrorists. What does this tell us? The international society’s acquiescence toward the super-terrorist and even purposely pretending not seeing have promoted the spread of terrorism around the world, stimulated and strengthened the terrorists’ confidence, becoming the soil for terrorism. There is no difference in the nature of terrorists. They are all based on narrow nationalism and personal ambition of a few insane leaders of the movement. The only difference is that the some have succeeded so that they can carry out terrorism actions under the guise of “national law”, and the others are still struggling using terrorism as a means to advance their cause to establish their own government in order to “legalize” all terror activities in the name of “internal affairs”.

For a bright future of human beings, we urge you, the president of IOC and the leader of the lofty enterprise, fight for justice for those weak groups expecting desperately, let the facts talk, and encourage your colleagues to publicize these documents and the photos so that all Olympic officials and athletes have the chance to know the truth. To be very serious, I invited Professor Andrew Nathan from Columbia University, the famous specialist in the study of contemporary China, to verify the severity of religious repression in China.

Everyone has a dream. As a child, when I was in the labor camp I had a dream for freedom. Thirty years later, although I am living in the United States, I still have a dream for freedom – the freedom of religion and faith in the great country of China. I love my country. I trust God through deeds. That is why I have the brave to reveal the world the persecution facts despite the ever-strong evil power. As long as my heart is beating, I will not give up this dream.

The Bible says, “Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourself were suffering.” The religion persecution in China has already been made known to the whole world. We hope you can keep your words and take some actions corresponding to the brutal religion persecution behind the skyscrapers, the severe violation of human rights and the jeopardy of human kinds.

I am looking forward to your reply.

May God bless these standing by with justice!

Li Shixiong


警察擅闯民宅抓人  基督徒人权无保证
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