

Souls Awakened























When it got dark, the security guard took out a chewing gum and put it into his mouth. He kindly offered me one too. I thanked him smilingly but didn’t accept his chewing gum. I had sworn not to eat or drink until I became free.

Sitting on the chilly hard stool, I fought with hunger and weakness for the whole night.

At 10 a.m. next day, a middle-aged woman came to the police station. She was from the 610 of Haizhu District of Guangzhou (My neighborhood belonged to that district). She announced to me in a glacial tone:

“We are to release you today. But there is one condition: Leave the banner here.”

The four of us Dafa practitioners had risked our lives protecting the banner in Tiananmen Square, in the underground jail, and bringing it back to Guangzhou.

My husband got to the police station, waiting to take me home. Taking the opportunity that the woman was talking with him in the doorway of the police station, I carried my backpack, stepped out the small room, walked out the police station, ready to stop a taxi and run!

The woman thundered, “Leave the banner behind!”

“No!” I held my backpack tightly against the chest.

“If you don’t, I’ll have it snatched!” Evil light showed in her eyes.

“If you dare snatch it, I’ll protect it with my life!”

“I won’t care at all even if you die!” She gestured to the two policemen standing by her to snatch my backpack.

The two policemen appeared hesitant.

A policeman of this police station once quietly said to me, “At least seventy percent of my colleagues think well of you. But China is individual-ruled, not constitution-ruled. When the high-ups order us to arrest you, we have no choice.”

As the policemen were hesitating, my husband shouted out, “My wife is the best person in the world! If you use violence on her and kill her, I’ll turn to support Falun Gong! I’ll call a news conference and disclose it!”

The woman immediately said a few words to my husband, and then allowed us to go home with the banner.

On the way home my husband said to me, “She told me to steal the banner while you sleep and hand it in to the police station tomorrow.”

“You consented?”

“That’s the condition of your freedom! It’s only a banner. Just give it to them!”

“Thank you for your support just now.”

I didn’t want the banner, on which was written “Falun Dafa is Good!”, fall into evil’s hand. At dawn the next day, while my husband was asleep, I sneaked out of home carrying the banner, dashed to the street and got in a taxi.

My husband dashed out of home after me just to sigh at the taxi running away.

I managed to transfer the banner.
