

Souls Awakened











On the sixth day of our hunger strike, I lay weakly on the floor in the cell (No bed in the cell), bruises being all over my body.

A young security guard came in with a cup in each hand. He squatted down by me and talked to me gently, “Do you want to drink some water, since you refuse to eat? I’ve prepared a cup of salty water and a cup of sweet water. Do you like the salty one or the sweet one?”

I shook my head and said softly, “No, thank you…”

He said, “I enjoy talking with you very much. The way you talk is very peaceful and nice, and never forces anything on people.”

He had come from the Northwestern countryside to make a living in Beijing. He never beat us Dafa practitioners; he only looked sadly on the scene when the ruffians beat us.

Sometimes he also pretended to beat us, while actually he was protecting us from the harm of the ruffians.

He told me that he had met a lot of Dafa practitioners in the underground jail, and had been deeply moved by Dafa practitioners.

“You Dafa practitioners have always volunteered to clean the office and make everything neat and tidy for us (There was an office in the underground jail). Once I scattered some bread crust on the table – I’d always disliked eating bread crust. The Dafa practitioner coming to do the cleaning quietly ate it up. I felt very ashamed of myself. Thereafter I never threw crust away anymore. The number of you Dafa practitioners detained here is much larger than that of us. If you want to harm us you can easily do it. But you have never done it nor have you ever spoken an impolite word. Actually not only we have been moved by you Dafa practitioners, many policemen have also been touched by you. Do you know? The policemen in Tiananmen Square are being shifted every fifteen days. It’s just because of fearing that the policemen would be moved and transformed by you Dafa practitioners once they have come into contact with you for long.”

One night while he was on duty, he told his partner – a young security guard sympathizing with Dafa practitioners too – to keep watch at the entrance to the basement, and he himself unlocked all the gates of the cells to let all of us Dafa practitioners get together for half an hour, giving us an opportunity to share thoughts.
