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【大紀元10月22日訊】(大紀元記者世桑新澤西報導) 全美公民登記選民將於11月2日投票日根據各自居住地區狀況投票。今年是中期選舉年(也是選民對總統任期處理經濟疲弱和高失業率是否滿意的一次公投)。所有選區要選聯邦眾議員;一些選區要選聯邦參議員和州長;一些選區要選州議員和地方官員;很多社區將選舉市長、市郡官員、法官、警長等地方官員。目前36州的選民正在對州府稅和地方稅之升降以及債券發行,州府預算和政府管理等具體地方事務政策表達意見。

政黨對州長和州議會的控制權,對2010年選區即將重劃具有全國性的重要意義。擁有多數席位黨有權制訂未來10年選舉中有利於其候選人的區界。今年共和黨呈現強勢,這與2006 年和2008 年相反,類似的轉變也出現在選民的黨派結構上,這是政治氣候之下政黨忠誠度隨時間改變的反應。

新州府選舉機構 (The State Elections Division) 的數據表明,新州今年登記選民有527萬,比2009年的522萬多。民主黨今年為175萬,2009年為177萬;共和黨比2009年的107萬多了1萬。近50%的登記選民244萬不屬於任何黨派,比2009年增加了4萬。

新澤西選民將在13個選區投票聯邦眾議員侯選人。與華裔居民利益相關聯的侯選人 (依據字母排列) 主要在以下幾個選區:
Jack Freudenheim (Independent)
Anna C. Little (Republican)
Frank Pallone, Jr. (Democratic)
Karen Ann Zaletel (Green Tea Patriots)
Leonard Lance (Republican)
Ed Potosnak (Democratic)
Raymond Giangrasso (Independent)
Bill Pascrell, Jr. (Democratic)
Roland Straten (Republican)
Michael A. Agosta (Republican)
Patricia Alessandrini (Green Party)
Steven R. Rothman (Democratic)
Rodney P. Frelinghusysen (Republican)
Jim Gawron (Libertarian Party)
Douglas Herbert (Democratic)
The League of Women Voters of New Jersey
Kenneth J. Cody (Truth Vision Hope)
Rush Holt (Democratic)
Scott Siprelle (Republican)

1. What should be the federal government’s role in funding and regulating K-12 public education?
2. Do you agree or disagree with the US Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United V. Federal Election Commission? Should Congress pass new legislation as a response to the Court’s decision? Please explain your answer.
3. What economic policies should the federal government pursue during this recession?
4. What should the US short-term and long-term goals be in Iraq and Afghanistan and how should these be achieved?
5. Do you support or oppose the health care financing reforms enacted in 2010? What aspects (if any) would you change?
6. Many students are struggling with the rising costs of tuition for higher education. What actions, if any, should the federal government take to address this situation?
7. Gender inequities and biases persist in our society, whether in professional opportunities (women are paid about 77% of what men are paid for the same work) or healthcare coverage. Is it Congress’ role to reduce these inequities and biases, and if so, what should be implemented to do so?
8. Would you vote to adopt a cap and trade system or a carbon tax? Please explain your answer.
9. The nation’s infrastructure (including highways, bridges, railroads, and tunnels) is aging. How would you approach this problem?
10. Do you support a path to legalization for those presently in the country without authorization? If not, what actions on the part of federal or state government do you believe would improve the current situation? If yes, please specify the steps that path should involve.

美選期將至  侯選人打移民牌
新澤西司法職位空缺 民事訴訟案件積壓超8萬件