

Souls Awakened




一夜間中共就抓了我所在小區裡很多大法弟子。我和三位年輕的廣州弟子 —— 一位會計、一位導遊、一位房地產公司經理 —— 趕緊離開家,背著背囊繞道北上。







Shortly after I got out of the detention center, May 13, 2000 drew near.

May 13 was Falun Dafa Master’s birthday as well as World Falun Dafa Day.

Every year when this day drew near, the CCP arrested a lot of Dafa practitioners.

Overnight, the CCP arrested many of the Dafa practitioners in my neighborhood. I hastened to leave home with three young Guangzhou female fellow practitioners — an accountant, a tour guide, and a manager of a real estate company. Carrying backpacks, we took detours northward.

We intended to hold up a banner in Tiananmen Square on May 13.

On the afternoon of May 12, we arrived in Beijing and checked in a hotel near Tiananmen Square.

When it got dark, the four of us got together in a hotel room, reading Zhuan Falun in a low voice.

I had been silent most of the time, because of fear, not knowing what was waiting ahead. The soldiers patrolling around Tiananmen Square carried guns. What we were facing was the entire state violent ruling apparatus.

Nonetheless I didn’t have the thought of receding in the least. I was glad that the three fellow practitioners didn’t have either.
