

Connecting with Nature in Tehran





capital [ˋkæpətL ; ˈkæpɪtl] n. 首都

【字源】:一國城市之首 → 首都。

hustle [ˋhʌsL ; ˈhʌsl] n. 忙碌

【字源】hasten(v. 催促)。

bustle [ˋbʌsL ; ˈbʌsl] n. 忙亂;喧囂

【字源】busy(adj. 忙碌的)。

donate [ˋdonet ; ˈdoʊneɪt] v. 捐獻, 捐贈


promenade [ˏprɑməˋned ; ˏpr ɑːməˈneɪd] n. 散步場所

【字源】 + :吆喝驅趕動物往前移動 → 散步 → 散步的場所。

statue [ˋstætʃu ; ˈstætʃuː] n. 雕像


【衍生】The Statue of Liberty(自由女神)。

design [dɪˋzaɪn] v. 設計

IDM be designed to: be made or planned for a particular purpose or use 為某目的或用途而製造或計劃

【字源】 + sign(n. 符號):畫下一些符號 → 設計。

amphitheater [ˋæmfəˏθiətɚ ; ˈæmfɪθiːətər] n. 圓型露天劇場

【字源】 + theater(n. 劇場):過去傳統的劇場為半圓形,故兩邊都有半圓形看台的劇場 → 圓形劇場。

ethnic [ˋɛθnɪk ; ˈeθnɪk] n. 種族;民族

【字源】heathen(adj. 異教的) → 非傳統基督教的 → 民族的。

diversity [daɪˈvɜːrsətɪ; daɪˋvɝsətɪ] n. 多樣性

【字源】 + :旋轉離開 → 種類不同 → 種類越來越多。

urban [ˋɝbən ; ˈɜːrbən] adj. 都市的

【字源】town(n. 城鎮)。

【衍生】suburb(n. 市郊)。

People in Iran’s capital of Tehran, who want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, can go to the Stone Garden of Jamshidieh. It’s in the northern part of the city—a quiet place in the heart of the mountains.


Jamshidieh is known as one of the most beautiful and unique parks of Tehran. An engineer, Jamshid Davallou Ghajar donated it to the wife of King Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Queen Farah. She later had a promenade built in the park for public use.

Jamshidieh也是在著名的Tehran最漂亮且特殊的公園之一。一位工程師,Jamshid Davallou Ghajar,把它捐給了Mohammad Reza Pahlavi國王的妻子、皇后Farah。她後來蓋了一個供大眾使用散步的場所。

The park is on a slope with various paths designed to reach different sights—statues, an amphitheater, a lake, stone waterfalls and steep places.


Jamshidieh is located at the foot of the Kolak Chal Mountain and climbers walk through the park at the start of their journey.

Jamshidieh座落於Kolak Chal的山腳下,登山者穿過公園開始他們的旅程。

Visitors can feel a deep connection with nature while walking on the cobblestones.


The park is also unique for its various cultural spaces related to the different ethnicities of Iran. There’s the Azarbaijan House, Kordestan House, Torkaman House and the Zagros House. People here can have local food and listen to a variety of ethnic music.


Nature lovers can enjoy the wide diversity of plants and beautiful rare birds in the Garden of Jamshidieh, and have a few moments to forget about modern urban life.

