





Soundless Poem/ink and color painting

It is said that “poems are paintings with sound, and paintings are soundless poems.” There are paintings in poetry, and poetry in paintings—Isn’t this a wonderful state?

Sometimes, when I see a drawing or painting with a very fine composition and exquisite colors, I unconsciously experience a “poetic state.” The colors of the mountains and clouds, and forms and shadows of the forest, bring to mind paintings or poems, and make people feel as if they have walked into a painting.

Generally speaking, the expression “a painting in poetry” gives people the biggest jolt of recognition. This is because poetry is composed of written words, and uses writing to express a narrative. As a result, it can naturally relate the scene in a painting. But when one only views of painting, it is sometimes difficult to find the poetry. Paintings have no words. One must rely on written words to express and appreciate poetry; to only “trigger a poetic feeling” is insufficient. If one’s writing skills are poor, one’s knowledge of literature is insufficient, and one cannot use or apply writing, how can one express a poetic feeling? To have a poetic feeling, but be unable to talk about it or express it, is regrettable and inadequate.@

