【看川普推特学英文】川普三度观赏海陆大赛 聊聊美式足球日常


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【大纪元2019年12月17日讯】美式足球或美式橄榄球(American Football),这是一个全世界只有美国人在玩的运动。根据《富比士》资料,2019年超级杯(NFL)时段的电视广告费用,创下30秒钟以约台币1.6亿元售出的纪录。是什么魔力让这个运动“价值超凡”?本周让我们一起来了解美式橄榄球的威力!




PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA - DECEMBER 14: Micah Farrar #14 and Cameron Kinley #3 of the Navy Midshipmen celebrates after Navy Midshipmen recovered the ball in the fourth quarter against the Army Black Knights at Lincoln Financial Field on December 14, 2019 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.The Navy Midshipmen defeated the Army Black Knights 31-7. (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images)
2019年12月14日海陆大赛第四节,“海官生”14号球员 Micah Farrar及3号球员Cameron Kinley为球的失而复得而欢呼。(Elsa/Getty Images)

● 美式橄榄球(American Football)

美国的大学带动着美式橄榄球的发展。第一场校际足球赛据说在1869年11月6日,由纽泽西州(New Jersey)的罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)对普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)。

● 职业美式足球联盟(NFL)
全名为The National Football League,也就是美国职业橄榄球队,2020年即将庆祝它100岁的生日。目前有32支球队,分成两组联盟(NFC和AFC)竞赛,于每年的感恩节到圣诞节前夕,比赛会进入高潮竞逐四强,冠军头衔会在每年2月的第一个星期日举行,又被称作超级杯(The Super Bowl)。


● 超级杯(The Super Bowl)
1967年1月15日第一届的超级杯,在加州的洛杉矶球场举办,由堪萨斯酋长队(Kansas City Chiefs)对上绿湾包装工(Green Bay Packer)。

“超级杯”是世界上每年最多人看的运动赛事之一,同时也创下美国尼尔森电视收视率(Nielson TV ratings)最高的纪录,粗估该时段收视有超过1亿的美国人(2015年,更创下史上最高纪录:逾1亿1,400万人次),在同一时间收看超级杯的电视转播。


2020年的超级杯,将在2月2日的佛州迈阿密举办,歌手夏奇拉(Shakira)与珍妮佛.罗培兹(Jennifer Lopez)将于中场进行表演。


● kick-off,名词/kɪk/-/ɒf/开球(始)
英解:the time when a game of football or an activity starts
例句:People stood waiting for the kick-off of the game.(大家站着等比赛的开始)
用法:to kick off,动词,开始。I’ll ask Tessa to kick off the discussion.(我请泰莎开始进行讨论。)

● football,名词/ˈfʊt.bɑːl/橄榄球
英解:a large ball made of leather or plastic and filled with air, used in games of football
例句:The boys wanted to play football.(男孩们想要玩橄榄球。)
用法:橄榄球另一个传统、可爱的叫法:pigskin(猪的皮肤),据说最早版本的橄榄球,是以猪的膀胱充气后制作完成。Let’s go toss the pigskin around.(咱们来传接一下橄榄球吧。)

● field goal,名词/ˈfiːld ˌɡoʊl/射门
英解:a play in American football worth three points, made by kicking the ball between the other team’s goalposts
例句:John kicked a 35-yard field goal.(约翰踢了一计35码远的射门。)
用法:在篮球这个运动项目里,field goal percentage,指的是投篮命中率。通常3分球命中率达四成以上(.400),都被称之为射手等级。

● goalpost,名词/ˈɡəʊlˌpəʊst/球门(柱)
英解:one of the two posts that the ball must go between to score a goal in games such as football
例句:His shot hit into the goalpost, and all the audience sighed.(他的射门击中了门柱(球弹出),所有观众大叹了口气。)
用法:move the goalposts(移动球门柱),引申为:“改变规则”,使人为难。I manage to get on top of the job, and then they move the goalposts again.(我努力要胜任这份工作,但他们再次改变规则、提高标准。)

● gridiron,名词/ˈɡrɪd.aɪrn/美式橄榄球(足球)场
英解:a field painted with lines for American football
例句:He is the greatest quarterback in gridiron history.(他是美式橄榄球史上,最伟大的四分卫球员。)
用法:可称 American football field(美式足球场);标着白线与画着格子,就像烤肉时用的铁架子一般(grid+iron),因此美式橄榄球场也被称作(铁)烤盘。

● quarterback,名词/ˈkwɔː(r)tə(r)ˌbæk/四分卫
英解:in American football, the player who receives the ball at the start of every play and tries to move it along the field
例句:He demonstrated the all-round skills of a quarterback.(他展现了四分卫的全方位技能。)

● touchdown,名词/ˈtʌtʃ.daʊn/达阵(得分)
英解:(in American football) the act of scoring points by carrying the ball across the other team’s goal line or throwing the ball so that it is caught by a member of your team who is across the other team’s goal line
例句:The crowd went nuts after the third touchdown.(第三次达阵得分后,观众们都高兴像发疯似的。)
用法:to touch down,动词,降落、着陆。When an aircraft touches down, it lands.(当飞机与地面接触时,指的就是降落。)
score a touchdown,引申为“成功地达到目标”,例如:Steve really scored a touchdown with that presentation.(史帝夫的报告,真的做得很成功。)

● tackle,动词/ˈtæk(ə)l/擒抱、拦阻
英解:in rugby or American football to do this by taking hold of the player and making them fall
例句:The policeman brought the thief to the ground with a flying tackle.(警察飞扑到窃贼身上,将他制伏在地。)
用法:另一常用引申意思:“对付、处理”,例如:We have gained sufficient experience to tackle this problem.(我们已有充足的经验,可以解决此问题。)、to tackle the violence(解决暴力问题)、to tackle youth crime(解决青年犯罪)。

● turnover,名词/ˈtɜː(r)nˌəʊvə(r)/失误(攻守交换)
英解:in American and Canadian football when the offense loses possession of the football because of a fumble, interception, or on downs
例句:Despite four turnovers, the Giants looked confident and in shape.(虽然有四次失误,巨人队仍看起来信心满满。)
用法:最常用的意思有:“营业额”,例如:The firm has an annual turnover of $75 million.(该公司的年营业额为7500万美元。)
另一常见意思为:“离职率”,例如:They’ve had a lot of turnover at the factory recently.(最近他们的工厂人员离职率很高。)

● rushing,名词/ˈrʌʃ.ɪŋ/往前冲(推进)
英解:in American football an action taken by the offense that means to advance the ball by running with it
例句:The Dolphins had just 24 yards rushing in the first half.(海豚队在上半场,仅仅推进了24码。)
用法:rush v.赶忙做…,例句:We rushed the children off to school.(我们催赶孩子们上学去。)
Whenever I see him, he seems to be rushing.(每当见到他时,他总是很忙碌的样子。)


● 美式足球代表着深刻的美国文化,也是美国最受欢迎、家喻户晓,大家都会做的家庭活动之一。在您的文化里,有没有什么运动或活动,家人朋友会一起进行的呢?
● 美式足球(又称美式橄榄球),它和一般的英式橄榄球(rugby),有什么不同呢?
● 试着针对一项运动(例如:篮球、棒球、羽球、桌球等)分享大致上的规则与某些专业术语。

相关单字:popular adj.(受欢迎的)、rules n.(规则)、terminology n.(术语)#


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