
法总统遭指泄密 议员提案罢黜再损声势

Venezuelan police in riot gear face demonstrators before an opposition march in Caracas, on September 1, 2016.
Venezuela's opposition and government head into a crucial test of strength Thursday with massive marches for and against a referendum to recall President Nicolas Maduro that have raised fears of a violent confrontation. / AFP / FEDERICO PARRA        (Photo credit should read FEDERICO PARRA/AFP/Getty Images)
委内瑞拉百万人上街示威 要求罢免总统
委内瑞拉反政府抗议人士周四(9月1日)举行了大规模的示威游行,动员上百万人走上街头,要求在明年1月10日前举行罢黜现任总统马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)的公投,否则就将提前举行总统大选。