
人氣 21

【大紀元2011年06月09日訊】(大紀元記者呂海灣區報道)上文(文章連接:https://www.epochtimes.com/b5/11/6/9/n3281167.htm)說到今年18歲的任奕維目前的學習包括: 樂器、健康、網上學習、電子書、英文閱讀、語音、練習活頁、娛樂、中文、生活技巧、社交技巧、藝術、寫作及精細運動技能。但為什麼他的學習內容如此深淺穿插呢﹖


「那我覺得比較大的障礙還是在語言」,陳韻如表示: 「……他11歲的時候我就開始把他抓來背《三字經》,這也是那醫生絕對不讚同的。」她回憶,做語言評估時,醫生得知任奕維在家是華語環境後,就建議他只學英文而不學華語,以免增加他的語言學習負擔。

但陳韻如知道孩子的發音、聽寫能力很強,語法中的無法規則很好,只是理解能力差「他小時候學phonics(語音)時,就是拼音,可以聽音,把字拼出來」,陳韻如回憶: 「慢是慢在理解,就是這裡頭每個字你都認識,但是句子是什麼意你思不知道」。


此前,與許多在美國出生的第二華裔一樣, 雖然任奕維身在中文的家庭環境中,但卻不說中文,家長和哥哥也只跟他說英文。

開始背《三字經》時,母親說: 「我也不要他懂這個意思,我要他跟我學音象句錄」,之後兒子的大腦語言區得受到很大挑戰,而這正是陳韻如的用意。「如果說你那麼差勁的語言區,你都能處理兩種語言,那也弱不到哪裡去呀﹖」


今年起,陳韻如又用中國經典故事作為教材,自己打寫,一遍遍閱讀,讓兒子聽,然後任奕維一一在每個字上注音、拼音,最後讓兒子重述、談論故事,使他能靈活應用語言。經過數月的時間和六個故事的學習,陳韻如說: 「我發現他現在將故事的能力就進步多了。」

五月底,任奕維參加了Youth Focus組織的美西地區加州才藝比賽,並獲得了豎琴比賽金獎,在此之前為了解他對音樂的想法,與今後的人生展望,記者提出了讓他通過寫作回答此題的建議。兩週後,任奕維在電郵中遞交了作文。他表示,過程中他先是集思廣益,寫作中得到了母親與哥哥的一些幫助。以下是他的部份文章翻譯,全文請見網頁(文章連接:https://www.epochtimes.com/b5/11/6/9/n3281170.htm)。




五月底任奕維參加了Youth Focus組織的美西地區加州才藝比賽,圖為任奕維手拿豎琴比賽金獎。(任奕維提供)


Music and Me by David Ren

I started my music education when I was five years old in a small group music lesson called KinderMusic. At first, mom just wanted to provide me a chance to interact with typical children and an opportunity to explore music. At that time, she didn’t know that I had talent in music. After three sessions of KinderMusic, I began my private piano lessons with Ms. Kelly Chen. I was about six years old then.

In the first two months, I couldn’t play the piano with my both hands at the same time. But Ms. Chen was very patient with me, and eventually my coordination improved and I could play with my two hands. This made both Ms. Chen and my mom very happy! I picked up my music instruments one by one in the following sequence: piano, recorder, keyboard, harp, guitar, flute, gu zheng, and finally my own voice.

I have taken music lessons from sixteen music teachers. They all have done a great job! I can read music notes very fast with accuracy and I can memorize the fingering for each new piece in a short time. Music is like my first language!

I enjoy practicing music very much! Every day, I spend about two hours practicing. When I practice my music pieces, I feel happy and satisfied. When I perform in front of the audience, I never get nervous. I like to share my music performance with friends either in live performances or through Youtube links.

My brother Alexander Ren has been a good big brother over the past years. He films all my well-practiced music pieces and uploads them onto Youtube for me. Some friends find listening to my music soothing.

In the future, I would like to have a music career as a composer, performer, teacher, and a piano tuning technician. I will always have my heart for children with special needs. I composed my first piece about one month ago. I will keep on composing new melodies.

Among my eight instruments, my favorites are piano, harp, gu zheng and my own voice. I would like to pick up more instruments, for example, erhu and drum, in the future if my family can afford them.

My harp teacher Ms. Sonya Yu has taught me harp for over nine years and she knew me for over thirteen years. She witnesses all the progress I have made. Recently, I earned a trophy in the Western Regional California State Talent & Performing Arts Competition. This is a great reward for Ms. Sonya Yu who really dedicates herself to my harp education.

My gu zheng teacher Ms. Melody Chen is a great performer and musician. She trains me how to be a good performer. My jazz piano and piano tuning teacher Mr. Robert Wong is a loving person. He has great confidence in me. In his opinion, I am as good as other typical kids.

Learning music is a good challenge for my brain, muscle coordination, courage, patience, persistence, art, public performance, and creativity. Music is also a tool for me to present myself and to serve my community. I receive many invitations for performance from different local Chinese associations.

Through the training of music, I think one day I will be a fully recovered autistic person. I believe one day, human languages will become as easy as the universal music notes!

六四大屠殺35周年 雕塑家用作品撕開中共畫皮